Remember when, in old video games, the tricks were included in the game itself and not separated, perhaps in the form of a microtransaction? Well, Avalanche Studios e Id Software have not forgotten it for their RAGE 2. Although the access mode is not quite old-fashioned e it will be hard to access these cheats.
Players who are in possession of the Deluxe Edition of RAGE 2, will be able access instantly to some of these tricks, as well as having access to the BFG 9000. In any case, however, to have access to each cheat present in the game, it will be required to meet a strange NPC: Mangoo The Sorcerer.
The problem? This character can only be encountered casually within the game map and its spawn points, for now, they seem completely random. However, apparently, Mangoo can be found more easily around the map boundaries. But we don't feel like advising you to look only in those areas, but our advice is to keep your eyes open, because the sorcerer could being in every place.
Once we find our weird friend, Mangoo will sell you many cheats that will drastically change the gameplay of RAGE 2. PLEASE NOTE: Enabling any of the game cheats will disable the trophies and achievements. Only exception, enabling a commentator code will not hinder the progress of the trophies. Once you have purchased the cheats, you will find them in the options menu under the heading "Tricks".
- Diamond Geezer: Using this trick, Cockney's Dee Dyer will start commenting on your actions.
- He's on Fire: using this, the announcer will be Tim Kitzrow instead. The legendary voice of NBA Jam.
- Red Barrel Rain: With this cheat, a bunch of explosive barrels will drop in front of the player.
- Git Gud: to eliminate the enemies, it will be enough with a single shot.
- Klegg Support: You will get Klegg's support during your game.
- Son of Thor: Enemies that get too close will be electrocuted.
- Phoenix Rejector Seat: with this cheat, when you attempt to eject from a vehicle, it will shoot him in the air for you.
- Progress Booster: you will get double Feltrite for four hours.
- Super Wingstick: your wingstick will have unlimited redirects.
- Super Overdrive: increases the power of your Overdrive.
- Super Phoenix: upgrades the Phoenix 4 × 4.
► RAGE 2 is an FPS-type game developed by Avalanche Studios Id Software and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 14/05/2019
Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019
RAGE 2 is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 78%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the RAGE 2 Review