Revolver, which is the spiritual successor of Jade Empire - GDR signed BioWare landed in 2005 on Xbox 360 e PC - despite the cancellation it has recently shown itself through some concepts.
It was the artist who allowed a closer look at the project Matt Rhodes, art director at Bioware in Edmonton and already known for having worked as a concept artist on Dragon Age and the trilogy of Mass Effect. Rhodes has in fact exploited the ArtStation platform to share the concepts of the canceled project, probably showing the protagonist of the latter and some situations of the setting.
In addition to these small glimpses of what should have been the videogame reality behind Revolver the team behind the game also wanted to add some details about it, taking advantage of the recent book dedicated to BioWare and entitled BioWare: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development.
Within the latter the team claimed to have been working on the title from 2005 - the year in which Jade Empire was released - until 2008, and to have initially thought to make it available on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
A developer would also have stated that the team's desire was to create a game set in the near future, based on the mechanics of an open world, sandbox in nature, with lots of action and parkour. Also involved in the project were the team members of Big Sandwich Games, who should have taken care of the creation of the open world game world.
Born as a simple sequel to Jade Empire, Revolver it ended up undergoing many changes in the course of its development, which led first to its evolution and, finally, to its abandonment. At the basis of such a decision, probably, there was also the desire of BioWare to focus completely on more "famous" series, such as Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins.
► Jade Empire is an RPG type game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts Microsoft Studios 2K Games Take-two for PC, Mac, Xbox and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 12/04/2005