After being unveiled in December 2019 with a surprise announcement from the stage of The Game Awards 2019, the tracks of Ruined King: A League of Legends Story had been lost but here it is. today Riot Game releases the official Announcement Trailer for this first single player RPG set in the League of Legends universe.
Developed by Airship Syndicate and distributed by Riot Forge, Ruined King: A League of Legends Story will make its debut in early 2021 on Steam, Epic Games Store and current generation consoles and later in the next-gen.
The title is set up as a turn-based single-player RPG in which it will be possible to use an unlikely group of League of Legends champions (Miss Fortune, Illaoi, Braum, Yasuo, Ahri and Pyke) in an adventure through the port city Bilgewater, frequented by hunters of sea monsters, criminal gangs and smugglers, and between the Shadow Isles to uncover the mystery of the deadly Dark Mist.