The composer Akira Yamaoka, to whom we owe the soundtracks of Silent Hill, Contra and the recent The Medium, was interviewed by the Youtube channel Al Hub and his answer could hide a pleasant surprise.
Asked about his future plans, Yamaoka said the announcement of the title he is working on now will take place this summer and will be a project many are hoping for.
Now, faced with such a statement and with the rumor background that permeates the web, the implication seems to emerge more and more in two very specific words: Silent Hill. Whether it is reality or a vision forcibly induced by the hopes of millions of fans, we are not yet allowed to know.
There is, however, an element that further intrigues and suspects: the interview was removed.
Al Hub, on his official Twitter account, apologized to users saying that the removal was performed following a request; by those who are not given to us to know.
We therefore wait patiently for new information, hoping that the road to the foggy Silent Hill can open up again before us.
► Silent Hill is a Puzzle-Adventure type game published by Konami for PlayStation Network and PlayStation, the video game was released on 31/01/1999