Telegram does not work, what should I do? Telegram has become one of the alternatives to WhatsApp and other messaging services. Its commitment to safety, its organization in the form of channels or funny emojis convince from the first day of use. Although it is one of the most reliable applications, it is possible that it shows errors and is temporarily unavailable. Don't worry, below are the possible solutions to make Telegram work again.
If your application Telegram does not work, it can be for two reasons. Either from a bad configuration of your smartphone or a temporary failure of the same, or because the system has crashed. We explain how to check and what to do in these cases.
Telegram is not working, what should I do?
Is the problem yours? Make sure the mobile / WiFi data is connected
Yes, it sounds silly, but first of all, make sure your internet connection is working normally. On many occasions, some public Wi-Fi networks automatically connect to our terminal but don't actually work. It is also possible that we temporarily do not have access to our mobile data, due to lack of coverage… or perhaps because you have run out of your plan!
Check that notifications are properly turned on
Go to Settings> Notifications & Sounds and make sure you have all notifications turned on. If not, you may receive messages but not be informed.
Make sure you don't have any silent contacts / groups
If you log into the application, you will see from the start menu if any of your contacts or groups have been silenced. This way you can continue to receive messages without problems, access the conversation and access the menu at the top right. If the conversation is silent, the Do not mute option will be displayed. Turn on to be able to continue receiving notifications from that conversation.
Restart your smartphone
Do you have a problem with your device? Restart it! This trick, used since the beginning of time, has served millions of people in many different cases. It is possible that by switching the terminal off and on again, it is possible to receive and send messages again. Simple but effective!
Telegram is off
If you have trouble logging in to Telegram, it may have been deleted. This means that the problem is not just yours, it affects thousands of users locally or even around the world. We explain how to know if, in fact, Telegram is out of order.
Check the official Telegram channels
If the problem is widespread and is due to an application malfunction, it is possible that the same company communicates the status of the problem via Twitter, both in your Spanish account and on the international account. Enter your profile and check out the new features.
This helpful website is a quick way to check if the problem is yours or widespread. You just have to look for the service that is not working (in this case, Telegram) and check (the electrocardiogram type line) if the application is not working. If this line is very irregular, it means that a lot of errors have been detected and it is not just your smartphone's problem.
What to do if it still doesn't work
At this point, if we haven't been able to fix the error or it's just a Telegram malfunction, we can only wait. Were you able to solve your problem? Do you know any other solution?
Further Reading:
- Telegram, 5 solutions for when the activation code does not arrive
- How to chat without phone number, top 5 apps
- 9 solutions to solve Telegram connection problems on iOS and Android
- How to block a person on Telegram
- How to create a group chat on Telegram