As predicted by many, between COVID-19 and next-gen this could be a year of postponements. To confirm this, the official news of the postponement of The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum from a generic 2021 to a generic 2022 by Deadalic Entertainment.
The time gained will ensure that the game "confirms the expectations of The Lord of the Rings fans and makes the most of the power of the new generation of consoles". For the occasion, the developers also announced that they have added a seat at the table, and the well-known controller manufacturer Nacon became co-publisher of the project.
Daedalic's game will be based solely on books and of course he will control Gollum, the tragic character created by Tolkien. According to the creator, during the adventure there will be “two voices that speak continuously”, that of Gollum and Smeagol. We will see if this translates into crossroads and the possibility of choosing Gollum's path in Middle-earth.
We take the opportunity to review some screenshots, courtesy of the insider Nibel, while here we have a teaser and the time setting of the story.
First screenshots of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, coming to PC, PS5 and XSX
Developed by Daedalic Entertainmenthttps: //t.co/ferctrb7k2 pic.twitter.com/mwhAyBMHwn
- Nibel (@Nibellion) May 4, 2020
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum will be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S / X and PC.
► The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum is an Action-Adventure-type game developed by Daedalic Entertainment and published by Daedalic Entertainment Nacon for PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Nintendo Switch, Expected release: 2022