The Medium by Bloober Team, a Microsoft exclusive for the next-gen (you can read here because, if you are curious), he has recently suffered a slight reference and has revealed us more or less how long the adventure will last (or should we call it the nightmare?). One of the most underrated aspects of the gaming world and yet one of its expressions, at times, more wide-ranging, is certainly the Sound Design.
The Medium makes the atmosphere its main feature, which may seem obvious when it defines itself as a horror title, but which can only find reinforcement and realization in the work done, and now told, by its Sound Designers, Arkadiusz Reikowski (which you may remember for Layers of Fear) e Akira Yamaoka (always, and forever associated with the Silent Hill series).
It's not all about just creating scary sounds or making the player tremble, but finding that note or melody that is completely out of place. The combination of all these features makes the whole experience even more disturbing.
We then alternate with this silence and minimal sounds, a concert of features that work in unison to create the horrific experience called The Medium.
You are not the only ones interested in the fruit of their labors two artists and this video can only give us one taste, but it's always better than nothing ...
especially considering that final promise, that of another episode coming soon.
► The Medium is an Adventure type game developed and published by Bloober Team for PC and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 28/01/2021
The Medium is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 80%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the review of The Medium