God of War e Uncharted are two of the most iconic intellectual properties on the PlayStation scene. One returned with great fanfare in 2018 with an unreleased chapter, the sequel to which is expected in 2021, while the other reached its peak with End of a Thief and a subsequent spin-off. Beyond the new iterations, however, apparently there was a period in which Sony was willing to propose their remakes.
In a chat with David Jaffe, the former boss of Sony San Diego, Michael Mumbauer, told about his working experience for the Japanese company. Speaking with the former director of Twisted Metal and God of War himself, he revealed that while he was in the company also Shawn Layden (president of SIE Worldwide Studios until 2019), “we were looking to do remakes and remasters with Sony San Diego. What I can tell you about it is that I was chasing that idea because I believed there was a need to update the experience of the first Uncharted or the first God of War with modern graphics “.
The idea of a remake of the first Uncharted or the first God of War, concludes the head of the San Diego studio, had been seriously considered, only to be abandoned for reasons unknown to himself.. Jaffe finally tried to ask Mumbauer if he was aware of the current project the team is working on, but the latter did not let anything leak out.
► God of War III: Remastered is a scrolling beat 'em up game published by Sony for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 14/07/2015 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 17/07/2015