Greenroom is a Spotify social media platform that uses live audio to connect people.
You can use Spotify Greenroom to chat about the things you care about in virtual rooms. And artists can use Greenroom to connect with fans in a whole new way.
Anyone familiar with Clubhouse will immediately recognize the idea. However, although Spotify Greenroom offers users a Clubhouse-like experience, an invitation is not required. Removing that air of exclusivity. There are other differences as well.
Greenroom is now available in 135 unique consumer markets around the world. It has also recently been on iOS and Android devices. Greenroom's features are on par with many of its counterparts, including Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, and Facebook Live Audio Rooms.
How Spotify Greenroom Works
The Spotify Greenroom app is largely based on Locker Room's existing code. If you have used Locker Room before, you should update your app on the store to see the rebranding and redesign. The current UI is largely reminiscent of Spotify's streaming UI.
You will need to log into your Spotify account to be integrated into the app. You can then select specific interests.
To find and participate in audio chats, you will need to join groups within the app. The app is a space for live conversations that take place in “rooms” of the virtual variety. Anyone can create a room on the platform and invite users via the calendar and schedule function. After selecting a topic, your room can go “live”.
Greenroom also uses some of Spotify's personalization strategies, providing targeted recommendations to users.
Speakers in the room appear at the top of the screen, represented by rounded outline icons. Listeners appear below as smaller icons. Greenroom also has mute options and moderation controls.
Listeners can also be brought "on stage" and invited to live audio sessions. Each Greenroom room can accommodate up to 1.000 people. Spotify also hopes to expand the capacity limit further.
Listeners can participate by listening to conversations, asking to speak, or typing their reactions during a live session.
These listeners can also clap speakers on an audio show or podcast by giving them “gems” via the app. The number of gems a speaker has earned will be displayed on her profile.
Further information
The company plans to make further updates on live broadcasts and scheduled content relating to culture, art and entertainment. Spotify wants to alter Locker Room's reputation as a primarily sports-focused platform.
It also hopes to roll out more features to provide the best user experience and further stand out from some of its other competitors.
Spotify will also market Greenroom for its artists through its Spotify for Artists channels and hopes to unveil monetization options for creators in the near future.
Spotify is also planning a Creator Fund that will update the app with more content in the future and will also encourage further collaboration and engagement from artists. Spotify hopes to support and reward creators for the communities they help build and hopes to work closely with artists to further expand and diversify Greenroom.
The Creator Fund will help artists get rewarded for the content they create. The Fund also promises to help and reward artists for the content they post and the work they undertake to broaden the reach of the public.