Fortnite players will have to complete a series of challenges this week as well will go to reward the ability but also the exploration. Like every week, in fact, Epic Games has created some challenges that require the player to visit many places on the map, with the aim probably of divide the number of players more evenly.
The challenge we are going to analyze in this guide is: "Dance in front of different cameras" thanks to which you will get 5 stars, which you will need to level up your Battle Pass. Below you can find the map with all the points where there are cameras present above, so as to allow you to have a wide choice during your fights.
To complete the challenge you will then be enough dance in front of seven of these cameras. Once the objective is complete, the reward will be credited directly to your Battle Pass.
► Fortnite is an FPS-Battle Royale type game developed by Epic Games People Can Fly and published by Epic Games for PC, Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 25/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 12/06/2018
Fortnite is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to evaluate it with a 63%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fortnite Review