Are you having trouble finding money in Cat Quest? Maybe you want to unlock and fully upgrade all spells, or just shop at Kit Cat? Below we show you the most profitable place in the game by far.
You will first need to have unlocked the ability to walk on water. Once you get it, head to the Gatpitale and continue southwest through the City of Meow, until you find yourself on the shore towards the ocean, and exactly where the game began after your shipwreck.

From here continue on the water to the south, pass the remains of your boat that still float and keep walking until you find theFounder's Island.

In the southern area of this island you will find the Founder's Cave, in which you will find four standard Mimics that will each release two orbs of 99 Coins, plus a large Mimic that will release five. But be VERY careful of the large Mimic, as its attacks inflict 9999 points of damage, immediately taking you to Game Over.
Killing this group of opponents will then reward you with a total of 1287 Coins! Just leave the cave and re-enter it to accumulate as many as you want.
If you missed our review of Cat Quest.
Below you will find other useful guides:
- Where to get experience points quickly
- Where to find and how to complete the Secret Cave
- Where to find the pirate treasure