Today Microsoft has announced a new feature of its upcoming consoles that we are sure will make many happy. Through the Xbox News Twitter profile, it was announced that on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S you will be able to partially uninstall titles.
Considering the growing importance of the digital videogame market, already inaugurated in the last generation, this one feature turns out to be very interesting, especially for those who have now abandoned retail. The details have not yet been released, therefore we do not know perfectly with which criteria the uninstallation will take place partial of the titles but let's make some assumptions: in case we would like to buy a new title and try it immediately but we do not have the necessary space, we could consider uninstalling the first chapters of a game that we have already completed, to make space for the new purchase. It would be a substantial revolution in the digital world and an absurd convenience for all the players who have relied on Microsoft for the next-gen. We still don't know if Sony will equip PlayStation 5 with similar functionality. We leave you to tweet with the official announcement.
Confirmed: The Xbox Series X | S allow gamers to free up space, by selectively uninstalling portions of games, and that's a game changer. pic.twitter.com/a5vMIjQ3sa
- Xbox News (@_XboxNews) October 3, 2020