The fine that Russia intends to apply to the Cupertino giant amounts to 12 million.
The accusation is that of abuse of dominant position, the fine for Apple to pay is not exactly for all budgets: 12 million dollars, this is the amount that the Cupertino giant will have to pay out for obstructing access to a Kaspersky parental control app on iOS.
The decision on the Apple fine comes from the Russian anti-monopoly agency, and concludes a bureaucratic process made up of complaints and sentences that began about two years ago, when Kaspersky had reported the crash of its app just as Apple was launching a very similar proprietary one. All based on a recent Russian law, specially designed to favor the diffusion of Russian software over that of other developers. To date, eleven apps provided directly by the Moscow government appear pre-installed on a new iPhone or iPad purchased in Russia: users can thus choose, for example, to use the Yandex browser, Mail.ru, ICQ, the VK social network and the OK video streaming app instead of the original Apple applications.
However, it is not so much the news itself that causes a sensation, but rather the delicate historical moment in which we find ourselves, with the relations between the US and the Kremlin are not exactly idyllic and President Biden's recent statements on Putin.