Assassin's Creed Odyssey is not the first chapter in the series to have an RPG component complete with level progression, the same system was present for example in Origins, a chapter released last year. As in any self-respecting RPG, it is therefore extremely important tackle certain areas and missions at the right level, in order not to find yourself in difficulty with bosses or simple enemies, for this reason we have compiled this short guide where we analyze the best methods to level up in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.
Recommended level and main missions
If you open the game map, you will notice that everything is divided into various areas, each of which has a recommended level, a fundamental indicator to actually understand where to go and where not. During the first hours of the game you will find yourself in zones up to level 10, and then pass in areas more or less always suitable for your level, however there will be various moments during the main story where you will find yourself sub-leveled, and it will therefore be necessary to face some other activity first.
As you may have understood, just tackling the main missions is not enough, in fact, the player will be constantly invited to face the various secondary activities to get experience and more powerful equipment, a fundamental aspect to continue in the game. Obviously, in case of too high a level to face a particular quest, the game will slightly increase the recommended level, trying in this way to balance the level of challenge and loot, so as to guarantee juicy rewards.
Complete the side missions
As you may have guessed, the best way to level up quickly is through the extremely varied and profitable side missions. To access the secondary missions you will just need go to one of the NPCs with an exclamation point above their head and accept the assignment, however it will not always be possible to carry out a certain mission, in fact many will be activated after some main missions or after the completion of other secondary quests.
Side missions usually grant a good amount of exp and items, sometimes even superior to the main quests, and that's why we advise you not to ignore them, also because some of these will be essential to continue with the main story.
Icarus and equipment
Don't underestimate Icarus and his stationary mode to locate enemies and points of interest! It will often happen not to find missions, treasures or particular places and for this reason we strongly recommend the use of Icaro, which in a few seconds it will capture all points of interest present in the area, providing you with considerable help.
Another fundamental aspect and therefore not to be underestimated is the level of your equipment. For example, if your character's level is 25 and our crew is level 20, we will hardly be able to face level 25 enemies. For this reason, it will be necessary always buy new equipment or upgrade what we already have, so you can take on higher level missions and enemies.
If you don't want to back / forward from NPCs too many times, you can decide to purchase higher-level equipment than yours. The Blacksmith will in fact sell equipment up to a level higher than yours, so as to allow you to have a slight margin for future missions.
Pitched Battles
One of the best ways to gain massive amounts of experience is through pitched battles, the new mode that will allow you to face a battle against a large number of Athenians and Spartans with CPU-led allies and as many enemies to defeat. Each battle will have an indicator that will tend to empty as you kill enemy leaders, soldiers, or as you gather enemy resources.
As you continue with the game you will find always different and exciting battles that will also guarantee you a huge amount of experience, so as to level up your character.
► Assassin's Creed Odyssey is an Adventure-Action game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 05/10/2018
Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 89%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review