Biomutant is a name we heard a while ago, but finally, after trailers and doubts about its arrival on next-gen, it is now back in the center of our attention.
First shown in 2018 and then disappeared into oblivion, many thought Biomutant had been silently canceled, until the news a few days ago.
The why of all this silence? The game got bigger and bigger, bigger than they initially expected: from 80-85000 words the script went to 250000 words, for example, and with a team of only 20 people this meant more bugs to fix and an even greater desire to bring users the best experience possible.
Stefan Ljungqvist, boss of Experiment 101, explains it better.
It was a really big amount of work in playtesting, because it's not easy to find bugs in an open-world world. Once found they must obviously be fixed, which has put a lot of pressure on us. Every game comes with a few bugs, our priority was obviously to find the most game-breaking ones, the ones we wouldn't want the game to come out with.
Delays are now commonplace, a symptom of an industry that, in some of its components, still aims at full respect for its users, atom of hope in the midst of so much toxicity and hype that pervade the oxygen of the most anticipated titles.