Devil May Cry 3 third title of the homonymous saga signed Capcom originally released on consoles PlayStation 2, provides an extra level of challenge with a good set of Trophies to conquer. You would like to get them all to get to the coveted Platinum, but are unsure how to do it?
Here are some tips!
Bronze Trophies
- What a departure - Complete the game in normal mode with any character;
- The worst kept secret - during the first secret mission, with any character, consult the "Collectables" section;
- Blood, sweat and tears - Finishing Devil May Cry 3 In Normal mode, the Palace of Blood will unlock. To get the trophy it is necessary to overcome the 666 floors of the latter;
- Diabolical act - Get S rating on any mission with any character;
- Man's best friend - To get the trophy you will need to defeat the first boss, Cerberus. To do this, just use the guns to remove its initial protection and, once done, physically injure the heads using the combos as much as possible;
- Disinfestation - To defeat the second boss, Gigapede, it will be necessary to place yourself in the highest areas of the room, so as to be able to jump on the enemy and gain an advantageous position;
- Troublex2 - Defeat the third - and double - boss, namely Agni and Rudra. To do this you will need to learn their attack patterns and, once done, be careful not to end up between them, given the ability to deliver random shots that are difficult to avoid. Once one of the two is defeated, the other will change strategy, so it is more convenient to fight them together;
- Sibling rivalry - Survive an encounter with Vergil, the fourth boss of the adventure. The clash will be particularly easy playing the role of Vergil;
- Upside down - to defeat the fifth boss, Leviathan, you have to pay attention to the organs: the one on the right consumes the DT, while the one on the left the balls left by the enemies. By defeating one of the two, the core will be exposed, and can be hit using different techniques and combos;
- Lightning in the bottle - to get this trophy of Devil May Cry 3 it will be necessary to defeat Nevan. The first part of the battle will not be too difficult, while from the middle onwards you will have to be careful due to the addition of two new attacks: the first through which Nevan will inject electricity into the ground and the second with which he will throw lightning and obstacles horizontally or vertical. Towards the end the enemy will attempt a hold designed to take away a good part of life from the protagonist, but it will be enough to enter DT to become immune to it. The battle is instead slightly more difficult with Vergil as regards the dodging of the blows, but not for the damage, since the character turns out to be more powerful than Dante;
- The darkness - to defeat Beowulf, the seventh boss, there are no particular precautions: just hit his face, so you can then take advantage of the resulting imbalance to stay behind him and pull blows. In this case, as in the previous one, the fight performed in the role of Vergil will be simpler, since the teleportation will allow you to immediately reach the face of the enemy;
- Hard times - the best way to defeat the eighth boss, Geryon, is to focus on the horse: if you keep hitting it it will fall to the ground, providing a perfect opportunity to swing back. Once you get to the arena it will be possible to get on the cart to make the animal collapse permanently;
- Brotherly Love - the second fight with Vergil will not be particularly challenging. In fact, it will be enough to adopt the techniques used already during the first meeting. The battle will be just as simple even if you take on the role of Dante's brother;
- Not a real lady thing - to get this trophy it will be necessary to defeat Lady, the tenth boss, taking advantage of her moments of rest on the columns to hit her. Useful playing as Vergil is Beofwulf, who proves capable of inflicting a considerable amount of damage to Lady;
- In the light - to make the eleventh boss of Devil May Cry 3, Doppleganger, you will need to wait for the latter to approach a light, count the shots needed to open the headlights on the sides and then wait for it to approach to attack, so as to hit the light to block it for a few seconds. By keeping all the headlights on the enemy will be weak for a much longer period;
- Mental hospital - To defeat Arkham it will be useful to take advantage of Agni & Rudra, stay away from the tentacles and make the most of the DT, especially in the second part of the fight, when Vergil will run to the aid of his brother.
Devil May Cry 3 is an action title with exploration elements produced by Capcom and made for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 2, and PC.
► Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition is a Beat 'em up-Shooter-Fighting scrolling-Adventure-Arcade game developed and published by Capcom for PC and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 23/05/2006 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 20/02/2020
Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 77%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Devil May Cry 3 Review - Special Edition