Diablo Immortal, closed alpha available on Android from tonight: all the details
The closed alpha of Diablo Immortal will be available on Android terminals starting tonight at 2.00, Italian time: here are all the details.
Diablo Immortal will be the protagonist of a closed alpha su Android starting tonight, to be precise from 2.00 am on 23 April 2021, for a limited number of users who signed up for the test, journalists and creators.
After the preview of BlizzConline 2021, Diablo Immortal can therefore be tried again, as a preview, within a second test where a lot of new updates, features and systems will be introduced.
The closed alpha will remain available for several weeks, so that players can try all the content to their best with ample time to provide feedback.
So what are the content coming to the closed alpha of Diablo Immortal? Below is a brief description of what we have in store, but you can check out our blog for a more in-depth overview of the new content.
New endgame and PvP systems
The Cycle of ConflictFaction-Based Endgame System - Characters will fight as Shadows or Immortals in various PvP and PvA activities in a continuous cycle to claim the throne as Sanctuary's last defenders.
- Ombre - The Shadows gather in groups known as Dark Houses to confront the Immortals in various ways, including raids against their precious Treasury. The Shadows must also complete Contracts to grow their houses and ultimately be able to challenge the Immortals in a PvP battle through the Ritual of Exile, to try to take their place as the new defenders of Sanctuary.
- Immortals - The Immortals are the elite defenders who stand against the Flaming Hells. They must fight to increase their dominance and defend themselves from the Shadows to stay in command. A character will gain the right to command the Immortals and appoint up to four Lieutenants to entrust with Crowns of immense power that will benefit them and their allies in battle.
The Battlefield8v8 PvP Team Battle - Characters can participate in an epic 8v8 team battle in the Battlefield, where two groups, divided into attackers and defenders, must fight for supremacy.
New endgame feature, the Inferiquiary - The Inferiquary allows characters to locate and face powerful demonic bosses. Once defeated, characters can trap them and redeem incredible rewards.
Essence Transfer System added - Characters can extract Essences from Legendary items they have obtained and transfer them to other Legendary items in their collection to customize them and create the perfect item.
Extended Diablo Immortal Content:
- The Crusader, new class available - The Crusader is a mid-range hybrid (spellcaster / melee) colossus that wields powerful weapons and is equipped with heavy armor and virtuous sacred magic. The Crusader will be usable together with the Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk and Mage (the Necromancer will arrive in a future testing phase)
- Maximum level increased from 45 to 55 - Characters will be able to progress up to level 55 and will have access to a new Tree of Excellence at the maximum level.
- Two new areas to explore - Defend Mount Zavain from Khazra goat-men who threaten the monks' homeland. Traverse the Frozen Tundra, a snow-covered wasteland where the remnants of Baal's armies still lie following the fall of the Lord of Destruction.
- New shipment added - The Cavern of Echoes, located in the heart of the Frozen Tundra, is the place where all the characters can hunt down the mysterious relic called Tear of the Frost Burn.