In this detailed Diablo Immortal, we'll take a look at the playable area known as the Zoltun Kulle Library; where you can find it and the series of missions you can play when you enter this location. So, without further ado, let's get started.
Table of contents 1) Diablo Immortal Library of Zoltun Kulle Area map overview 2) Diablo Immortal Library by Zoltun Kulle Questline 2.1) Library in the sand 2.2) Invisible Guardian 2.3) Restoration order 2.4) Lost runes 2.5) Inside it 2.6) Source of knowledge 2.7) The eternal guardian 2.8) Reforging the soul 2.9) Remembering the past 2.10) The Dark Exile 2.11) Heart of the unknown 3) How to cultivate the Zoltun Kulle area library in Diablo Immortal 3.1) Zoltun Library event Kulle - Kulle's Secret Chamber 3.2) Zoltun Kulle Code Library 3.3) Zoltun Kulle Library - Destruction End Dungeon 3.4) Hidden Lairs and Elite MissionsDiablo Immortal Library of Zoltun Kulle Area map overview
Once the players have completed the Shassar Sea storyline, the players will follow Peth and they will be kind enough to take you directly to the Zoltun Kulle Library and recite the spell to open the library entrance for you.
However, before that happens, remember that you will need to follow Peth to Sereth's outpost, where he will be attacked. Save him from the enemies and then he will accompany you to the place. From here on, your adventures in this area have begun.
However, before you get too excited here is something you need to know, you should be at level 35 or above. As these zones are chock-full of various enemies and other activities, make sure your gear and experience level are compatible enough.
Diablo Immortal Library di Zoltun Kulle Questline
When you enter the zone, you should start preparing yourself for what is to come because it will be a lot, if we say it ourselves. Below, we have prepared a walkthrough of the entire Diablo Immortal Library of Zoltun Kulle mission series.
Library in the sand
The initial quest for the quest line is easy to do. For this, simply enter the Zoltun Kulle Library.
Invisible Guardian
When you enter the library, be aware that as soon as you walk a certain distance, you will encounter a group of mysterious ghosts. There will be 12 in total, so go ahead and get rid of them. Once you are done with them, you will also meet the curator. Go ahead and defeat him to move forward.
Order of recovery
Once you've put the curator in his place, go ahead and talk to him. Once this is done, go to the library and you will pop up with various monsters. These monsters will be a lot to handle, however it won't take long to kill.
Once this is resolved, move forward to the statue and speak to the healer once more. Now go to the pedestal to conduct an exam.
Lost runes
Since you are done with the Restoring Order mission, now comes your duty to restore the three lost runes. It will take some time, but it is easier to manage. For the first rune explore the area and acquire as you see it.
These are hard to miss, so it won't take you long to find them. Once you have the rune, go ahead and light all nine lamps at the same time. Now take the same rune and place it on the platform.
Now go ahead and find the second rune in the same area. As you do this, you will encounter Grimaldi the Flaming Soul. Combat can be challenging, but you can take down any enemy in this area with just the right amount of AoE damage. Once the boss is dead, take the second rune and place it next to the second rune.
From here, now you just need to find the third rune. You will easily find it nearby, and after acquiring it, you will need to interact with it to inspect it.
Once done, reposition all the mirrors in the position where the light is radiating to illuminate the rune and place it where the previous runes are placed in the bookcase. Now wait for the curator to stop.
Once you are done placing and lighting the Runes, make your way to the Central Nucleus and find where the Healer is stuck. Approach and escort him out. However, as you do this, you will be attacked by the Guardians of the Core.
There will be around 10 of them, so make sure you're ready for a fight. Now go ahead and talk to the curator.
Source of knowledge
For this research, you need to approach the Well of Knowledge and find where the Master's Journal is located. Once acquired, you will be attacked by tons of Arcane Thralls. Kill them all and go to the curator to give him the diary. Now talk to him again.
The eternal guardian
This is the longest quest in the entire questline, so be prepared. First, you have to go to the Chaos Engine and face the Golems, which you will have to help kill the undead.
Now approach the Insightful Sands nearby and interact to talk. With that done, go back and inspect the Golem's remains. Then, he goes back and talks to Insightful Sands one more time. Once this back and forth interaction is over, he explores the Choas Engine area and finds the Eternal Guardian.
Before reaching it, you will have to cross the bridge blocked by the pesky undead. Then kill each of them mercilessly and activate the bridge and second mechanism.
Now go ahead until you find Eternal Guardian. You have to kill him, so perfect your best moves ahead of time and kill him to get the remains of him and leave the area.
Reforged the soul
Uff! We know it's a lot, but you still have some missions to do. Once you have the remains of the Eternal Guardian, go to the Choas Engine area and place them there. Activate the first sphere and go into full protection mode as the Burning Dead will be around to damage it.
Kill them and activate the second sphere as well. Protect the orbs from any damage until the Chaos Engine fully charges. Then, as done, you get the Spark of Life.
Remembering the past
Take the Spark of Life and give it to the Curator. Then, when the gates fall, he talks to the curator again. Now go ahead and find the curator in the Archive of Secrets to interact with him again when he's done. Now follow him as he makes his journey to the alcove.
The Dark Exile
Head to the end of the destruction and find where Tal Rasha is to help defeat the demons. Once the monsters are gone, look where Baal is. As you do this, wait for Tal Rasha to come over and tell you the plan.
Now go ahead and follow where Zoltun Kulle is and share a conversation. Once done, go to Reach Tal Rasha and earn a bonus chest. Now kill Baal while he meets and talks to the healer.
Heart of the unknown
When you are done with Baal, stand next to the Healer and wait until you reach level 40. Then, voila! You are done with the Diablo Immortal Library of Zoltun Kulle questline.
How to farm the Zoltun Kulle area library in Diablo Immortal
There are many different ways to get rewards from the Zoltun Kulle Library area. Below, we have listed all the various activities you can do in this area.
Zoltun Kulle Library Event – The secret camera of Kulle
For Kulle's Secret Chamber, players will need to find a total of 5 lost pages lying around the library. These do not fall by defeating enemies or enemies in the area. Instead, they spawn in a random location. These are also easy to spot as they are a stack of pages with a shimmering golden animation.
Once you are able to collect all five pages, a notification will appear saying “Number of tomes: 1”. Click the arrow icon on the screen to bring up the UI of the Kulle Hidden Chambers page. Now press the "USE" button to clear a portal that leads to a hidden chamber.
Chances are that Hydra or Sandstone Golem spawns instead of a portal; however, this is also not a bad scenario, as they raid bosses and killing them carries heavy rewards for players.
Zoltun Kulle Codex Library
The Zoltun Kulle Library code is unlocked when you reach level 35. To unlock its achievements, you must complete the Shassar Sea story and then complete the entire Zoltun Kulle Library quest line as indicated above.
Below, we have listed all the Zoltun Kulle Library objectives and how much experience you will gain by completing them.
- Dungeon: Complete Destruction’s End – 9772 XP
- Equip a level 35 rare item: 10065 XP
- Complete Challenge Rift Level - 10065 XP
- Earn 750 Battle Points - 10657 XP
- Reach level 40 - 10657 XP
Biblioteca di Zoltun Kulle – Destruction End Dungeon
The Zoltun Kulle Library has its own dungeon called Destruction's End. Here you will help Zoltun Kulle in Tal Rasha defeat Baal. The instructions for this dungeon fight are above The Dark Exile section of Zoltun Kulle Questline.
Hidden dens and elite missions
There are many Elite (blue) missions and hidden lairs present in the Zoltun Kulle Library, but their spawn locations are random. You can forcefully regenerate Hidden Lairs and Elite Quest by clicking on all the shrines and treasure chest variants that you can find in the area.