If you're having trouble winning the Bilefen Ancient Arena event and need help, we've got you covered with this guide. We will show you the process to start the Ancient Bilephen Arena event and what you need to do to win it in Diablo Immortal.
How to start the ancient arena of Bilefen event in Diablo Immortal
The Bilefen area in Diablo Immortal has a unique event called the "Ancient Arena". In order to start the Bilefen Ancient Arena event, you must first complete the Bilefen questline until you reach the Namari Temple.
When you reach that point, you will start a series of PvP missions. This questline will lead you to Bilefen's Proving Grounds, where you can unlock access to the Bilefen Ancient Arena event.
When you enter the Bilefen Ancient Arena event, a mission tracker will appear on the screen every three hours while you are in the Bilefen test field.
This quest tracker will perform a 1 hour countdown to the Ancient Arena event. When the time runs out, the event will officially begin.
The Ancient Arena will be available from 10:30 am to 22:30 pm (server time), but will only take place once every 3 hours. Once the event has started, people outside the Proving Grounds will not be able to enter. Make sure you are inside the Proving Grounds at least a few minutes before the event starts, just to be safe.
If you can't get to the Proving Grounds before time runs out. You will miss the event and have to wait three hours for it to repeat itself.
Walkthrough of the event in the ancient arena of Diablo Immortal Bilefen
The objective of the Bilefen Ancient Arena event is to unlock the Nephalem Cache (treasure chest) in the center of the Proving Grounds. But unlocking this chest will be harder than you'd expect.
First, the chest will be protected by an Ancient Guardian boss. So, before you can even get close to the chest, your team will need to take down the boss that protects it.
But that is not all. The Ancient Arena event is a PvP event, so there will be other players present in the arena and everyone will try to unlock the chest before their opponents. The team that unlocks the chest first will be the one reaping the rewards.
The chest will take 10 seconds of action to open. And the worst part is that you have to remain uninterrupted during these 10 seconds. If you are attacked while opening the Nephalem Cache, your action will be reset and you will have to start over.
If you manage to open the Nephalem Cache, you will get 6 Enchanted Dust, a random number of one item of varying quality (normal / magical / rare), and a guaranteed legendary item. This means that the Bilefen Ancient Arena is currently the most profitable Diablo Immortal event.
The best way to approach the Bilefen Ancient Arena event is to join a group of four. If you try this event on your own, your chances of unlocking the chest will be very small.
When a player dies in the Ancient Arena, they will release an Ancient Energy Orb. Collected, these Orbs will increase your Attack Damage. So every time you kill a player, make sure you walk on their body.
Players do not respawn in the Ancient Arena event. So if you get killed, you will be sent out of the Proving Grounds. However, if your team manages to open the chest without you, you will still receive the rewards in the mail.
So, if you are attempting the Ancient Arena with a team, don't hesitate to play with an aggressive style of play. Even if you die trying to help your allies, your team will still be able to win the event for you. If you are playing alone, you will have to play defensive as you have no allies to continue your legacy after your death.
To be able to keep up with other players in the Ancient Arena, be sure to bring a PvP build. If your gear, gems, and attributes aren't optimized for PvP, other players will be able to get you to work fast.
How to farm Bilefen Ancient Arena Event in Diablo Immortal
If you want to farm the Bilefen Ancient Arena event in Diablo Immortal, the first step is to stay below the Server Paragon tier.
When you are below the Paragon Server tier, the number of upgrade materials you receive is doubled. This will allow you to farm boats laden with enchanted dust, scrap materials and other items from the ancient arena of Bilefen.
The next step is to take advantage of the game's different difficulty levels, which are Inferno 1, Inferno 2, Inferno 3 and Inferno 4. Each difficulty level has its own Ancient Arena Event and they don't start at the same time. So, if you are powerful enough, you can complete the different events of the Ancient Arena one after the other; which is known as the hour of power.
Start at the lowest difficulty level Ancient Arena Event first and complete it as quickly as possible. If you manage to win the event in a very short amount of time, you will be able to participate in the Ancient Arena event on the next difficulty level before it starts.
In this way, you will be able to farm more legendary items in a small amount of game time; but you will have to be incredibly powerful to do this successfully.
If you're just having trouble completing an Ancient Arena, you can switch to a lower difficulty level and complete the Ancient Arena event there.