We participated in the technical Beta of Disintegration, the new work of V1 Interactive e Private Division. Honestly we expected something different, something that amazed us and left us stunned. Unfortunately, however, that "WOW!" did not arrive ...
The gameplay brings nothing new compared to video games targeting the same market segment. The sensation was in fact that of glimpsing a little something Overwatch, Destiny and the good old man too Crysis (especially for the sound effects used). It is true that this is only a beta and that development is still long, but from the co-creators of Halo we expected something more surprising. Despite these initial perplexities, the graphics sector is very respectable for a work in progress. We also appreciated the skins and outfits of the various classes, very original and distinctive.
Being a technical beta, our task, as a tester, was to identify the criticalities and strengths of Disintegration in order to help the developers in the continuation of the creation of the game.
The competitive game: we do not know if the intention of V1 Interactive and Private Division is this from the beginning, but the fact is that the competitive charge of Disintegration is pretty high.
In these two days we have participated in exciting and hard-fought matches, played until the last second. As this is a cooperative game we strongly advise you to wear headphones and microphone otherwise it will be just pain. Among the ruins of the city we enjoyed organizing ambushes and evasion maneuvers to surprise colleagues on the opposing team. Disintegration certainly lends itself to entering the e-sport that matters, the one that fills the arenas from so many thousands of places. He just has to calibrate his shot a little more.
The graphics: being a technical beta, we didn't expect much, especially in terms of graphics. Instead Disintegration amazed us, showing us a not indifferent attention to detail.
From the details of the weapon to the maps, there is a stylistic attention to be truly appreciated. We already tell you that the arenas are very extensive. Physical care is also appreciated, especially in the management of the shelter. Finally, there are no infinite shelters for which camperoni will have the difficult life in Disintegration. If a wall or a crate is riddled with shots, these will progressively tend to deteriorate until they are destroyed in a thousand pieces.
The movements: In Disintegration, during firefights, actions are inevitably fast. The right compromise between defense and attack decides your opponent's TTK (Time To Kill). The problem is that dodging is contingent (done once you have to wait for the loading time) e the attack is confusing (with skills and features to be activated apparently without a well-defined logic). Often and willingly you end up in the midst of enemy fire without knowing where the shots are coming from and without being able to move a step intelligently. The respawn is always around the corner.
The layout of the controls: dedicating two keys of the pad to vertical flight, both upward and downward, seems a little wasted. The tendency to press the L2 key (we tested the beta on PlayStation 4), typically used by most FPS to go into precision targeting, is used for other purposes. The responsiveness of the controls needs improvement.
Our interstellar centaur also tested our patience in situations where a little spice was required. Nobody likes to be the Lerdammer on duty.
We are satisfied, but not amazed, by this Disintegration. V1 Interactive and Private Division have focused heavily on multiplayer mode and the choice, in our opinion risky, to try the technical beta in this mode makes it clear how confident they are of their product. You have to work a lot on the movements of the character and on the aiming systems, perhaps sacrificing something compared to those of flight. Graphically we cannot complain, theUnreal Engine here too makes a good impression.