We tried the new product from Black Eye Games in preview.
In the last few days we have had the chance to try the new game from Black Eye Games: we are talking about Siege Survival: Gloria Victis, a title with an evergreen medieval setting.
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis is a strategic role-playing game with a well-defined storyline: the realm of Midland is the victim of an invasion by some called warriors Ismiri, and the city of Edring, where the main activity of the game takes place, is kept in check by the latter. From the beginning we can understand that things are not going well at Edring; in fact, the last battle was literally devastating for the city. Our task within the game will be precisely to rebuild it, encamping structures and tools with makeshift materials, to resist and counterattack the siege of the Ismiri.
After a short cutscene we will immediately be catapulted into the reality of Siege Survival: Gloria Victis, a dark reality, which shows the sadness of war. In fact, wandering around the city we will find one of the first survivors, shocked by the horror of the battles, left without a family due to the latest attack; he will be the first character able to be recruited, to restore the city and bring it back to its old glory.
During the first day we will have to build some basic objects, such as beds and bonfires to allow the survivors to rest after the grueling fight and already in the early stages of the game we can see the fulcrum of the game dynamics. In fact, we will be able to see the presence of some mechanics now omnipresent in any survival game, such as the loot of resources around the map, the work table, useful for creating tools and objects that will allow us to survive more easily.
Yes, because it is not enough to rebuild Edring, we will also have to survive. The characters present a screen, which we find in the lower left area of the screen, very similar to that of a classic chapter of The Sims; we find characteristics such as thirst, fatigue and mood. During the day we will therefore have to restore the functioning of the town, while at night we will be able to try our hand at some expeditions.
Expeditions are a fundamental phase of the game; thanks to these, it will be possible to find resources, weapons, armor, ingredients and water that we can bring inside our bastion. All this obviously will be done in the most stealth way possible, since the enemies will be lurking, and if we let ourselves be discovered we will be hit, but above all the guards will be on alert for the next raids.
As mentioned above, it will also be possible to find weapons and armor: this is because in some days we will suffer the advance of the Ismiri, which we will have to repel thanks to our soldiers. The latter will be equipped thanks to a function called the "Bastion“, A menu in which we can send supplies to our troops.
Although there are still several weeks, those that separate us from the official launch of Siege Survival: Gloria Victis, we can say that the game is a must for lovers of the genre, and for lovers of medieval settings; non-genre players may struggle in the early stages, but it takes several days (within the title) to immediately become familiar with the game system. We just have to wait for the final release of the title!
► Siege Survival: Gloria Victis is an RPG-Strategy game developed by Black Eye Games Fish Tank Studio and published by Ravenscourt for PC, the video game will be released on 30/06/2021 (in 12 days)
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to rate it with a 72%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Siege Survival Review: Gloria Victis