Here we are! After the postponement announced last year, now nothing can stop Doom Eternal from its publication scheduled for next March 20, 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (and later also on Nintendo Switch). After all the postponements we have seen these days, Doom Eternal represents the first real and great title that will start this videogame vintage. There is already talk of a potential GOTY and after having tried it for three hours we can say with certainty that this is not such an exaggerated claim.
It would be easy to start and close this article by telling you that Doom Eternal is a very simple "more of the same" of the exceptional title we saw and experienced in 2016, but in reality the work done by Id Software and Bethesda with this sequel is so concrete and palpable to materialize in a sensitive evolution of the original experience. All the news that we tried firsthand during our hands on in Milan, although apparently minimal, have in fact a gigantic impact on the gameplay.
Taking up the role of the Doom Slayer, after the events of the previous chapter we will continue its extermination of demons intent on invading the earth and enslaving humans. This time it seems that the Id Software team wanted to invest a lot in the narrative aspect of the game, focusing as much on demons and hell, as on the origins of the Doom Guy. Although Doom is often played mainly for the gameplay, this time the story could be an added value that should not be underestimated.
As per tradition, Doom can be faced at various levels of difficulty but, whether you are a veteran or not, know from the beginning that the innovations introduced in this Eternal make it incredibly difficult from the very beginning, forcing you to learn the new rhythms of the game. and above all the need to study the various situations and to act accordingly in a very short time.
Doom Eternal in fact requires particular attention on the management of resources, represented absurdly by the enemies themselves since, as in the previous Doom, they are a source of healing items, armor and ammunition, if killed with epic moves. Therefore, eliminating the scarce and weak enemies last as a source of "recovery" after killing heavy enemies will be a priority to survive along all levels of the game. In this regard, the chainsaw also returns, capable of sawing an enemy in two with a consequent significant drop in ammunition supplies. Staying without bullets, especially in the early stages of the game, is very easy, for this reason the chainsaw will prove to be a necessity, much more than it was in the past..
Speaking of enemies, the latter have been totally redesigned as regards those already known, also in terms of behavior and aggression, making them considerably more difficult and unpredictable. Moreover, many of these now have a weak point which is recommended to destroy as soon as possible if you do not want to perish badly. Some monsters in fact are equipped with turrets, flamethrowers and rocket launchers that cause considerable damage if not destroyed in a short time.
To counter the demons of the underworld you can always count on the vast arsenal made available by the game. As per tradition, however, the weapons are delayed overcoming the various levels, so initially we will start with the classic shotgun, then later recovering the plasma rifle, the rocket launcher and the beloved shotgun. Especially the latter, which in the previous Doom was the only weapon without modifications, now has an extra functionality, that is a butcher's hook, with which to hook enemies to get close to them quickly, giving a new dimension to combat.
Weapons, as in the past, can be upgraded by obtaining weapon points and bots for secondary fire modes. Most of the weapon points can be obtained by cleaning the various areas of the levels from demons, but many can be obtained through secret events, or timed challenges in which certain conditions must be met, and the Slayer Gates, real arenas where you can face hordes of enemies. The slayer gates, once completed, will have a key as a reward, to be used to open a special door in the game hub, probably to unlock unique boss fights with equally unique prizes.
A good defense, however, is to be considered an equally precious weapon and therefore it is also important to invest in upgrading the Praetor armor, which among the novelties boasts a small shoulder flamethrower, useful for setting fire to enemies, which during combustion will give precious recovery items for armor. A peculiarity that, as you can imagine, greatly enriches the chances of survival.
Finally, a dutiful mention to the level design, which offers new dimensions and verticality thanks to the possibilities of movement of the Doom Guy, such as the ability to climb some walls or use the double click in flight. Doom Eternal now requires a lot more attention and exploration to figure out how to overcome certain areas, especially if you want to find all the secrets and collectibles scattered along the various maps of the game. The latter in fact contribute to the accumulation of experience points that allow you to level up and unlock various extras.
Our three hours in the company of Doom Eternal turned out to be nothing short of adrenaline. The commitment and dedication in trying to stay alive is matched only by the amount of fun that these first three missions have been able to give us. This sequel to Doom is practically perfect from any point of view you want to analyze, characterizing the game as the ultimate expression of a first person shooter: varied, profound, technical and never boring. One of those games that you would never get tired of: in short, ETERNAL. We hope to confirm this in the review.
► Doom Eternal is a Shooter type game developed by Id Software Panic Button and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 20/03/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 08/12/2020
Doom Eternal is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Doom Eternal Review