The new Doom is finally about to hit stores, and for the occasion Bethesda and id Software have released the list of target of the game. Here is the complete list of the 34 objectives to try your hand at:
- MEAT CONSUMED Achieve all achievements
- SHOOT IT UNTIL IT DIES Defeat the Cyber Demon
- SURROUNDED? NO PROBLEM. Defeat the Hell Guards
- WHO'S NEXT? Defeat the Supreme Arachnoment
- E1M1 Complete the first mission of the campaign
- TOWARDS THE UNKNOWN Teleport to the underworld
- DEATH TO THE NECK Complete the campaign on Too Young to Die, Hurt Me, Ultra Violence, or Nightmare difficulty
- A STEP INTO MADNESS Complete "The UAC" on Ultra Nightmare difficulty
- CLOSE FIGHT Kill 50 enemies with the chainsaw
- SPECIALIST Master a weapon modification
- IDKFA Master all weapon mods
- WIDE CHOICE Acquire all weapon mods
- HISTORY Find all logs
- PERFECT TIMING Use the explosive barrels to kill 100 enemies
- IN EVERY CORNER Find all the collectibles
- ARGENT OVERLOAD Fully upgrades health, armor, and ammo capacity
- ARGENT DEMON Fully upgrade health, armor, and ammo capacity in a single campaign
- THE CIRCLE CLOSES Acquire all runes
- GUNMAN Fully upgrades a category of Praetor Armor
- OVERCLOCKED Fully upgrade all categories of Praetor Armor in a single campaign
- HARD KNUCKLES Complete all challenges in a single mission
- BUTCHER Get 200 epic kills
- SQUARCIA AND LACERA Get epic kills on all types of common enemies in the campaign
- ONE SMALL CHANGE Kill 150 enemies using powerups
- FORTUNE INVERTED Upgrades a Rune
- IDDQD Empower all runes
- CAN'T DO BETTER? Complete all challenges in a single campaign
- IPXSETUP.EXE Win a multiplayer match
- COMBAT TESTED, APPROVED Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer
- AN OLD FRIEND Acquire the BFG
- SHAREWARE Create and publish a SnapMap map
- NO REST Play 5 published SnapMap maps
- HOME Complete the SnapMap basic and advanced tutorials