A link has popped up on the Bandai Namco official website that refers to an Instagram page with only three photos, in which you can read "Elden Ring news soon" ...
The name of the page to which the link is linked is “bandainamcoenteurope”, ma the news is however to be taken with a grain of salt, as there are several doubts about the authenticity of the page itself. In fact, there is already a European page of Bandai Namco, or “bandainamcoeu“, which instead has not posted anything on any news on Elden Ring.
The inclusion of this link could therefore only be an error, but there are also chances that this is a promotional operation to announce the return of Elden Ring. A return that all Souls Like and FromSoftware fans are now looking forward to.
We just have to wait for a confirmation from the publisher or developers, but in the meantime, we invite you to read the latest details on the next game, and to stay connected on our pages so as not to miss all the news on Elden Ring.
► Elden Ring is a game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One,