A new mode for Fortnite, one of the most popular Battle Royale in this last period; the mode we are talking about is 50v50, where it will be necessary to survive, as you can well guess, in a team of 50 players. For the moment it will be possible to play this mode for a limited period of time, ie until December 17, but most likely in future updates it will be integrated into the game. Surviving in this battle is not that easy, we offer you some little tips to be the king of the island.
Land in the main locations
To win in this type of mode one of the main tips is to land in the main locations such as cities, factories or woods; this is because the aforementioned places contain a large amount of loot, offering an excellent opportunity to arm large numbers of players for combat. You will also have to be careful, because until you reach the ground with your parachute, you will not know who your teammates are, who will be recognizable thanks to a small green arrow positioned on their head; so immediately try to join a small group; once armed, we advise you to immediately get rid of the enemy squares present in the city, since in this way you will get a considerable numerical advantage.
Seek shelter
During your fall try to study the situation and find a house where you can take cover: if you have several companions already armed, destroy the various objects in the house to get a good number of resources, and finally check the shelves and the basement, as they very often hide boxes containing ammunition. Don't be afraid to destroy everything, the map is very large and you will certainly not be left without trees / containers / or stones to destroy and, consequently, resources for your forts.
Move in big teams
Don't even think about moving alone or looking for great solo actions: in this mode, cooperation between allies is essential and even the most skilled players may find themselves in difficulty against 5 or 6 enemies. So try to move like a real squadron, try to reach the opponents (without a shot possibly hurting) and take them out with tactical rifles, given their great power in close combat.
Never stop
Fortnite is a title that in the early stages is characterized by great dynamism: for this reason, you will never have to stop especially in the first minutes of the game, as you will have to loot and get as many materials as possible. Also because as well as by the opposing players you will be constantly chased by another enemy, namely the storm: never underestimate this aspect as many games are lost precisely because too much time is wasted outside the safe-zone, killed by the storm, so always give a look at the mini-map.
Build wisely
Another of the most common mistakes of Fornite players is to build huge stairs to the sky, perhaps because they are equipped with a sniper rifle, in order to have the tactical advantage of the position. Yet they do not realize that a simple assault rifle can literally devastate their construction, causing them to fall to the ground, and consequently die; so do not use the materials in this way but keep them for the late-game, as they will be essential for the construction of your base (we advise you to make it in iron, one of the most resistant materials). The only materials you can waste are those used to reach the top of the mountains, in order to have an effective advantage over your opponents, but you will always have to build wisely, especially away from the visual range of the enemies.
Don't be selfish
That's right: don't be selfish at all. As already said above, in this Battle Royale cooperation is vital: don't be afraid to give away ammunition / medkits / materials / shields and so on; this is because once you arrive in the final stages of the battle an extra companion could prove to be very important for the victory of the entire team. Organize a small structure and above all organize the inventory, dividing the various objects. Another small tip is to donate the most advanced weapons to skilled players, as if you play recently they will certainly know how to use them better than you.
We conclude by reminding you that Fortnite's Battle Royale is currently available on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC in Free-To-Play version; and what are you waiting for? Dive into the fray!
► Fortnite is an FPS-Battle Royale type game developed by Epic Games People Can Fly and published by Epic Games for PC, Mac, Android, iOS, PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 25/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 12/06/2018
Fortnite is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to evaluate it with a 63%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fortnite Review