Exclusive to PlayStation 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, has finally arrived. Guerrilla Games' new adventure throws players into the shoes of Aloy, a young Nora who finds herself stuck in the middle of one of the greatest mysteries of all time.
Through this - and more - guide we will shed some light on everything you need to know to survive in HZD's robot-infested lands, along with some little tips and tricks to help you along the way.
- Be patient. Very often it will happen to be surrounded by a huge number of animals ready to make your skin. Look around you, and try to always be aware of the kind of creatures you might attract with the noise of battle. It is advisable to lure enemies from a distance, whistling from the place where you are hiding. By performing silent kills, you could take out an entire pack without getting your hands too dirty.
- Use Aloy's focus. This mechanic exists for a reason, which is to be the difference between life and death during clashes. Always scan enemies for their weaknesses / strengths. This way you will always know if the chosen option will be the best one.
- Set up some traps. Traps are the primary means of slowing down or stopping enemies. This way you can attack them while they are on their knees. Each battle could turn out to be much easier if you learn better how to handle them.
- Collect resources. There are plenty of medical plants, ammo parts, and other resources useful for your survival. In between quests, take some time to collect reserves. You will benefit from this later in the game, especially in terms of equipment upgrades.
- Change your clothes. Sometimes, the dress is just an aesthetic issue in games. In Horizon Zero Dawn it doesn't work just like that: make sure you dress the suit suitable for every eventuality, helping you with the descriptions of the same. You can retrieve them through the appropriate sellers.
- Increase the inventory space. From the crafting menu, try to increase the space at your disposal. This way you will have access to a large amount of resources and ammunition. In fact, it is also necessary to increase the capacity of the quiver. Animal meat will be the most requested item for upgrades. So always roll out some fox, boar or raccoon whenever you get the chance.
- Upgrade your weapons and use the mods. As you progress through the game, you will receive a large amount of mods for your weapons. Always remember to equip them. To avoid losing the most important ones, it is advisable to unlock the Tinker skill, so that you can recover them. Otherwise you can only overwrite them with other objects, losing the previous ones.
- Bring a temporary friend into battle. Once you have access to the Override skill, you can hack a certain machine and make it loyal to you. This will guarantee you not only offensive help, but also a good scapegoat in case things go wrong. Try to unlock more and more Override abilities, in order to control creatures of different types. Also very large.
- Buy. Finding weapons around the map is very rare. The main supply comes from merchants scattered around the world of Horizon. Whenever you arrive in a new area, try to check out the vendors in the area. We recommend that you have at least one type for each weapon in your inventory. Also sell those you do not need (especially if marked with the phrase ".. for metal fragments"). Also remember that each seller, at the first dialogue, will give you free boxes full of resources. Select the appropriate menu during the dialogue and collect everything.