In Battlefield 1 there are a conspicuous amount of Codex Entry, they go hand in hand with field manuals. Let's find out how to acquire some Codex Entry present in the game. It is highly recommended to follow the guide of the field manuals that you will find at the following on the site.
Through Mud and Blood.
Over the Top.
Observation Balloons Codex.
Get out of the tank and kill five enemies on foot with light infantry weapons to unlock this Codex.
German Anti-Tank Tactics Codex.
To unlock this Codex you will have to remove every single mortar present in the mission, thanks to the following list you will find them without too much difficulty.
- Field guns one and two will be found near the point A.
- In point B you can find cannons three to five.
- Reach the point C to find cannons five to ten.
- Guns eleven to thirteen can also be found near the point C.
- Continue to the next German outpost to find guns fourteen to sixteen and eighteen to twenty-one.
- Field guns twenty-two to twenty-five are in the church headquarters, while for the twenty-six and twenty-seven guns you will need to reach the trench near the point D.
- Cannon number twenty-eight can be found in Big Willy's farms, while for cannons twenty-nine to thirty-one you will have to go to the hill in front of the farm.
- The thirty-two to thirty-four guns can be found near the bridge of Big Willy's farm, instead for the last two you will have to go in front of the trench where you have just found the thirty-two and thirty-four guns.
Fog of War.
Forest Combat Codex:
Walk through the woods without committing any melee kills.
To unlock this Codex you will have to resort to every single drop of calm present in your body, evaluate each move with extreme caution. Every little mistake can lead you to be discovered, thus ruining the set goal. For anyone who doesn't have much patience or desire it is a lowering of difficulty is highly recommended.
Guiding Bess Codex:
Walk through the forest undetected.
Unlike the previous Codex, in this objective you can resort to melee kills, provided, however, that the latter are not suspicious. Think about every single move before making it, as for the previous point in fact, a small mistake will ruin your goal.
Gone Chemical:
Collect all Field Manuals in Fog of War.
To unlock this Codex all you have to do is collect all the field manuals in Fog of War.
Storm of Steel.
Break of Dawn.
There will be only one Codex Entry called in this mission African American Troops in World Wa 1, to unlock it all you have to do is complete the mission.
Tank Shock:
Collect all Field Manuals in Over the Top.
To unlock this Codex you will need to collect all the manuals found in the Over the Top mission.
Stealing Tanks:
Collect all engine components without getting caught.
Tank Hunters:
Recover the first engine piece in BreakDown.
Air Craft Support:
Collect all Field Manuals in BreakDown.
Steel on Steel.
Bourlon Wood:
Don't get hit by the tank before the village is cleared.
Destroy a Mark V tank in Steel on Steel.
There's always first:
Collect all Field Manuals in Steel on Steel.
Friends in High Places.
Flight Test.
To be Ace:
Complete Test Flight Shooting Practice.
Dicta Boelcke:
Don't miss the track while chasing in Test Flight.
Total War.
Bloody April:
Survive at least four bombs while bombing in Total War.
Strategic Bombing:
Destroy the fort in Total War.
Fall From Grace.
No man's land:
Reach no man's land without being discovered.
Booby Traps:
Use two Tripware bombs to kill two enemies in Fall From Grace.
A War in France:
Collect all Field Manuals in Fall From Grace.
Forte et Fidele.
Gotha raids on London:
Abate the bombers in Forte et Fidele.
Airbons Cannons:
Destroy ten aircraft within 30 seconds using the stationary weapon.
Jousting with dragons:
Collect all Field Manuals in Forte et Fidele.
Dawn of dogfigths:
Complete Friends In High Places.
Come on Savoy!
Or Victory.
Armor flour:
Kill five enemies with grenades.
The Daring ones:
Join the fight with an Arditi Troops.
Coming together:
Collect all Field Manuals in Victory.
Or All Coupled.
Where Eagles Dare:
Kill ten enemies with your sidearm in All Coupled Up.
Beyond Belief:
Watch the front of the mountain explode.
Alpine War:
Collect all Field Manuals in O Tutti Paired.
Among Peaks of Kings:
Complete the Avanti Savoia campaign.
The Runner.
Cape Helles.
Big Guns:
Call on the barrier off Cape Helles.
Torpedo Exploit:
Get ten headshots in Cape Helles.
Battery Beyond:
Collect all Field Manuals in Cape Helles.
The Runner.
Drip Gun:
Kill ten enemies with your sidearm in The Runner.
Kill five enemies with the grenade launcher in The Runner.
Trench Runners:
Collect all Field Manuals in The Runner.
Be safe.
River Clyde:
Kill five enemies with the big ones in Be Safe.
Seed El Bahr:
Kill ten melee enemies in Be Safe.
Gallipoli Myths:
Collect all manuals in Be Safe.
The Dardanelles:
Complete The Runner Campaign.
Nothing Is Written.
Hidden in Plain Sight.
The Hejaz Railway:
Explore the crash site in Hidden in Plain Sight.
The Bedouin:
Find the book without getting caught in Hidden in Plain Sight.
Collect all Field Manuals in Hidden in Plain Sight.