Final Fantasy XV is finally available from November 29th, and many fans have already put their hand to the title to defeat it. Alongside the experts of the RPG genre, however, there are several people who have taken advantage of the Square-Enix title to discover this genre, often not too easy to frame for a novice. Like a classic RPG, in Final Fantasy XV it is fundamental to level up (himself and his companions) in order to be able to face the missions more easily, and unlock those of a higher level. So here is a short guide dedicated to how to level up easily in Final Fantasy XV.
- Experience. The levels are unlocked and overcome by accumulating experience points, in the most classic way possible. Every fight, main missions, side missions and any other action allows Noctis and companions to accumulate exp points. To quickly level up, the best thing is to do next to the main mission, a good number of side missions. Some allow you to get a lot of exp points, even after very simple operations such as recovering some objects, or opponents within reach. If you want to climb quickly, we do not recommend hunts (which are found in the refreshment points) as they do not provide a good amount of experience.
- Camps and rest. To level up in Final Fantasy XV you will have to sleep. There are several ways to do this, through camps (marked on the map with a tent) or more comfortable beds, such as hotels or campers. Once the destination has been chosen, a multiplier will appear before resting, which allows you to increase the experience to be applied to the characters (usually it is 1,2 or 1.3). Obviously, where the multiplier is greater, the higher the cost to pay to stay overnight. A sort of good compromise is Galdin's Pier, which features a room with a 2x multiplier (thus doubling the XP points) at a cost of 10'000 gil.
- Try to endure the night. Related to point 2, a piece of advice we think we can give is to try to resist at night. Since the multiplier of the experience is linked to all the activities you do before going to rest, a greater number of active hours allows you to greatly increase the experience collected and dramatically raise the level in a very short time. The night is however very difficult to face, due to the wandering Demons.
- Food. The last tip is to take advantage of the restaurants and the cuisine of Ignis. Food allows you to have different bonuses, related to combat statistics, but also to experience points. So choose carefully what to eat, and when to do it, and try to always have the right ingredients in your pocket.
So here are 4 tips to easily level up in Final Fantasy XV. Another very simple guide? Here's how to unlock all the classic soundtracks from past chapters. We also report our review of the game.