As in every chapter of the Dragon Quest series, even in Dragon Quest XI: echoes of an lost era (you can find the review here), the player will face really tough opponents in battle and gain experience to level up is always useful for learning new skills and becoming a threat to even the strongest enemies.
To level up it is important to know where to look, since many enemies provide an amount of experience points based on the areas in which they live. In fact, areas with stronger enemies, which will therefore provide more experience to the player, are often difficult to reach or the player will struggle to survive in these for a long time. For an even more detailed guide on how to quickly accumulate experience points click here.
The best way to quickly level up in Dragon Quest XI is to find the location on the map where the metallic slimes appear. Although meeting them is really difficult, these they provide a high number of experience points if defeated before they manage to escape (action they tend to perform on their first turn). These enemies could appear in almost any area of the Dragon Quest XI map, with small differences in type that allow you to receive even more experience points.
To find metal slimes you will need to fight in areas where you can face different variations of slime and, with any luck, we should be able to meet some of them.
As soon as a metallic slime appears, it's important hit him with as many physical attacks as possible, avoiding magic because many types of slimes are resistant or immune and will flee before the player can finish them.
Care should always be taken as there is a high chance that the enemy will flee, so it's always better focus your attacks on one enemy at a time, in order to end the fight with at least one kill.
By repeating this strategy for each match, you will be able to level up all team members very quickly.
The number of experience points earned for each type of slime is as follows:
Metal Slime - 2,010 EXP
Liquid Metal Slime - 10,050 EXP
Vicious Metal Slime - 12,100 EXP
Vicious Liquid Metal Slime - 30,300 EXP
Metal Hand - 34,400 EXP
Metal King Slime - 70,070 EXP
Vicious Metal Hand - 91,020 EXP
Vicious Metal King Slime - 161,610 EXP
► Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of a Lost Age is a JRPG type game developed and published by Square Enix for Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 29/07/2017 The version for PC came out on 04/09/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/12/2019
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of a Lost Age is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 88%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Dragon Quest XI Review: Echoes of a Lost Era