No matter which character you choose in Injustice 2, getting him to level up quickly is definitely your top priority. Although it is not possible to use Bonus items within the competitive or ranked mode of Injustice 2, however, we will be given the opportunity to characterize our character from an aesthetic point of view. Lately a lot of people are wondering what is the fastest way to increase their level.
In this article you will find a brief description of the experience system, on how to earn it but above all how to earn it quickly. That said, remember that almost any action you perform in a multiplayer game will reward you with experience points. In addition, some actions performed during the single player campaign will also allow you to level up.
Equipment Bonus
There are many equipments that will allow us to receive a bonus on the experience obtained. Some of these bonuses are only obtainable when we perform certain actions, while others will simply give us a percentage of all the actions we perform within the game. These items may not fit perfectly with the rest of our gear, but if you are looking to level up your favorite fighter as soon as possible, sacrifice your taste for aesthetics: for a few matches you will surely not regret it! Using these types of items will give you a huge increase in the experience gained at the end of each match.
Clashes and Merits in combat
It will be possible to get experience points at the end of each fight, but depending on how you played during the game you can receive more or less experience points. If you prefer a very flat fighting style (for example keep using the usual combo or only one special combo) you may not see many bonuses. On the other hand, if you use all the combos available in your character's arsenal, you will be rewarded with a much larger bonus.
Single player games
Each single player game you finish will provide a lot more experience when played on a high difficulty level. If you feel ready for a challenge, always choose the highest difficulty level. This way you will be able to maximize the bonus for each completed match. However, choosing a difficulty level higher than your abilities could be counterproductive, considering that only victories will allow you to gain large amounts of experience.
Quickly reach level 20 with each character
On Reddit some users have discovered that there is a way to quickly get all characters to level 20. You need to have two controllers for your console and move as follows:
- Open the menu, go to Options and then Gameplay. Change the round duration to 300 and set the round number to 2.
- Plug in the second controller, and start a versus battle in multiplayer. Insert the character you want to level up in slot one; in the second slot, however, a fighter with low health, including Aquaman, Black Adam, Braniac Cyborg, Firestorm, Green Lantern, Supergirl, Superman, Swamp Thing and finally Wonder Woman.
- Start the match and eliminate your opponent using combos and quick attacks. Each fight will give you a total of 1000 experience points.
If you are one of those players who unfortunately do not have too much time to spend on video games, but still want to unlock the aesthetic objects present in the game, within Injustice 2 there are micro transitions that will allow you to unlock them anyway. Also, once you reach level 20 with at least one character, it will be possible to spend 10.000 source crystals to instantly increase the level of another fighter of our choice. While it will be possible to obtain these crystals by playing normally, for those who do not want to wait, it will be possible to buy them directly from the shop in the game. The prices of the source crystals are as follows:
- 2.000 Source Crystals - € 0,99
- 11.000 Source Crystals - € 4,99
- 23,000 Source Crystals - € 9,99
- 50,000 Source Crystals - € 19,99
- 150,000 Source Crystals - € 49,99
Other guides by Injustice 2:
- How to level up fast in Injustice 2
- How to get source crystals in Injustice 2
► Injustice 2 is a fighting game published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/05/2017 The version for PC came out on 14/11/2017
Injustice 2 is a nice game that cannot miss in your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Injustice 2 Review