Last fall Riot unveiled a Practice mode that is finally available for players. This tool recreates a single-player environment, in order to educate new (and non) players on what are the tactics and game mechanics, without having to immediately jump into the fray.
Thanks to it you will be able to familiarize yourself with Champion and combos, the jungle, objects, DPS control and much more. “Time to lay the foundations of league of legends”Will still be updated continuously, based on the evolution of the game itself.
“Practice mode management is a bit different from our modus operandi. We have currently chosen to present a stripped down version of this tool to you so you can start practicing while Season 7 is still in its infancy, ”explains Riot. "This means that there may be a couple of things we have forgotten about, and this is where you need to make yourself heard, telling us how to improve this feature as much as possible."
Riot is also currently monitoring how much this mode affects servers, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. To access it, simply use the Training tab, available after updating the game.
Speaking of MOBA, are you curious to know which game inspired this genre? Find out in our article.
Source: PCGamer