Akihiro Hino, president of Level-5, told the microphones of the Japanese site 4Gamer that the company is currently working on an as yet unannounced project, likely to be revealed next year.
Hino himself also pointed out how the work on this new work continues fast, therefore a reveal by 2021 does not appear impossible. Could it be the new Ni No Kuni? We'll see.
It must be said how the software house that has risen to the headlines with the Professor Layton saga lately seems having lost the initial enamel, churning out a series of products and, far from being labeled as poor, they have not been able to reach the quality levels to which the Japanese software house had become accustomed.
We recall how Level-5 is currently also working on Megaton-Kyuu Musashi, JRPG stuffed with epic robots that we hope will soon reach our shores too.
And you, what do you expect from Level-5 in the near future?