Insomniac Games, after the success of Marvel's Spider-Man on PlayStation 4, is preparing the ground for the next-gen. The baton, after making his debut in style with Peter Parker, passes to Miles Morales, the second Spider-Man, with whom the creators of Spyro the Dragon will debut on PlayStation 5. The developers have become familiar with the new technological means that Sony has from offer with its console out this November and the premises seem to be very good.
New York: Year 1
The events of this new spin-off dedicated to the African American Spider-Man take place after the DLC of the first chapter, during which Peter agrees to train Miles to make him able to exploit his powers to the fullest and support him in the fight against crime but not by simple shoulder. Miles is hungry for revenge: after having discovered the abilities of which he is gifted and having lost his father in dramatic circumstances, he wants to do his part and face the responsibilities that weigh on him as a "super-human". However, the boy is not the only one who wants to do something for others, even his mother, Rio Morales, wants to improve the quality of life in the Big Apple and decides to run for mayor. It was during a meeting of Mrs. Morales that chaos broke out, due to a clash between Roxxon, a mega-corporation already known when we were Peter, and the Underground, a handful of criminals led by a brand new version of the Tinkerer (better known like the Repairman, for those who chew on comics).
The latter has been totally revisited compared to the original concept, adapting to the modern style of the title and of the times (and thank goodness, we will add), resulting much more captivating, at least at first glance. Usually in comics he is not really a prominent villain but, in the context in which he was cast, the (indeed the) Tinkerer could be explored in an interesting way, as well as Miles. It will be interesting to see how the boy steps into the role, handling something totally new and unreleased. Insomniac with Peter has avoided us to retrace the trauma of Uncle Ben's death again, making us leave with a superhero career already underway, but admiring the dawn of a new Wall climber with different personalities and conflicts than the original will constitute a new test for the developer.
Ragnetto whispers: "I'm committed to"
This first incipit of the plot comes together with the first minutes of gameplay shown at the Sony digital event, during which the launch date and price of the two versions of PlayStation 5 were revealed. spectacular action sequences that have nothing to envy to the original chapter: the battle on the bridge of Braithwaite has everything one would expect from a clash between Spider-Man and his enemies. Between one rescue and the next, including a not too covertly inspired Spider-Man: Homecoming scene, Miles faces off against new opponents by showing off his powers.
The combat system seems to be that of the original title but with some interesting additions, primarily Miles' distinctive powers. The temporary invisibility allows the new Spider-Man to reposition himself without being noticed by the enemies while the poisonous discharges enhance his melee attacks, having effectiveness even on multiple enemies at the same time. These innovations, combined with the dynamism and speed of the combat system, only entice us even more, anxious to put our hands on the joypad and try to restore the feeling experienced with the most navigated Spider.
Arachnids, not insects
Sony has announced the Deluxe version of Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which includes the remastered Marvel's Spider-Man. Both chapters will thus be available on both PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. On the next-gen console they will obviously enjoy better graphics, complete with stable 60 fps, ray tracing. Three new costumes and other trophies have also been added to the first chapter, along with new photo mode options.
In a nutshell, Insomniac Games is doing everything to bring the Wall Climbing saga to its maximum splendor which, unless epochal changes, will certainly be enriched with new episodes: Spider-Man: Miles Morales will in fact be a testing ground on many fronts, first of all to understand and exploit the Sony home console properly in order to continue in an excellent way within the saga.
We are confident that Sony and Insomniac will reveal a few more details about Spider-Man: Miles Morales in the period to come shortly before its release. The landing on next-gen will be an important chapter for both Spider-Man and both the publisher and the developer will face it in the best way. The people in charge of doing well are all there, the trust given, in our opinion, is well placed: we just have to wait!
► Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is an Adventure-type game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 12/11/2020
Version for PlayStation 5 from 19/11/2020
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review