This past weekend we tested the closed beta of Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Maxi Boost ON, yet another title inspired by the iconic mobile suite that for the past forty years has kept company to lovers of the mecha genre.
The game, which should see the light on July 30th, will be launched for the first time at the same time for the PlayStation 4 outside of Japan.
What Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Maxi Boost ON is a 100% online PvP game you understand immediately after the title screen, with various game modes that always include the clash between two teams from two opposing mobile suites.
Certainly there is also the possibility of having opponents and partner controlled by artificial intelligence, a very useful way to practice without having to wait for the, alas, very long queues to access the multiplayer (undoubtedly also due to the small number of participants in the beta) . In this mode, the aforementioned AI has always behaved in a more than excellent way, also managing to provide a gaming experience that is sometimes better than that against other players.
One of the worst problems we encountered in this beta, and which we will certainly find again in the finished game given the times, is just a set of commands that are not at all comfortable, especially in light of the frenetic and very Arcade nature of the game. In this way, a novice user will almost never be able to provide a level of challenge comparable to that offered by the computer at first. But we are sure that, with practice and some further filing, things can be easily balanced.
The possibilities of choice between the battlefields and are really great and varied, as well as, a huge point in favor of the title, the variety of mobile suits (with relative pilots) that can be used, thus allowing us to form really well-assorted and engaging teams and matches. .
The roster from which we are going to choose our mechas, as mentioned above, is really important, since it includes the robots seen in many of the series and previous Gundam games. A variety to which the titles of this genre have by now accustomed us, but which in any case is always extremely appreciated by all fans of the series.
Even on the technical front, the game looks very good, with very evocative and clean graphics accompanied by high-level animations for each of the mecha available. A little less detailed, in our opinion, is the realization of the environments, which certainly do not exceed in wealth of details. A venial sin anyway, given that the extremely hectic nature of this latest effort Bandai Namco it certainly does not give the opportunity to have frequent moments dedicated "to the contemplation of the panorama".
In light of what I was able to test with this beta, our judgment on Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Maxi Boost ON it is certainly not negative, even if some sharp edges must necessarily be rounded in order to consider the game as a good title in all respects. Surely Gundam fans will find many interesting details and mechanics, but at the moment a lot still needs to be developed in order to make everything attractive even to the bulk of the Western public.
We therefore wait to be able to get our hands on the final version before giving a real judgment on this title.