It is useless to go around it: Capcom, for some years now it has not really got one wrong and the work it is doing on its historic IPs is nothing short of remarkable. Just think of how she managed to revitalize Resident Evil after the questionable sixth chapter or Devil May Cry with its excellent fifth chapter. To these famous intellectual properties of Capcom, must surely be added Monster Hunter.
The series in which we play the role of a hunter of monsters has had new life thanks to Monster Hunter World: a title capable of reinventing the series and, at the same time, of reaching a large slice of the gamer audience by managing to sell more. of fifteen million copies.
And just as Monster Hunter World starts its latest update with the arrival of the fearsome Fatalis, Surprisingly, Capcom announced the new chapter of the series during the latest Nintendo Direct Mini: Monster Hunter Rise. The game, which will be released exclusively on Nintendo Switch on March 26, 2021, sees the historic Capcom series return to a Nintendo home console.
We recall, in fact, that many Monster Hunter titles have been released over the years on the various Nintendo consoles with Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate as the latest installation of the brand on Nintendo Switch. Monster Hunter Rise showed up with a long trailer full of juicy news. Let's go and discover them together in our preview of the new Capcom game.
Welcome to Kamura
The first thing that catches the eye of Monster Hunter Rise is definitely the setting. The game, in fact, presents a setting that oozes of medieval and feudal Japan from every pore. The trailer shows the village of Kamura, a small town located between the mountains and the woods with a strongly Japanese flavor. Kamura will be the place where monster hunters are welcomed and where they can purchase and upgrade their tools and equipment.
In the trailer we are told that in addition to defeating several and numerous beasts we will have to face the return of a calamity, the Magnamalo: The latter he will most likely be the main monster even if he is not necessarily the strongest in the game.
Graphically, the game really looks like a delight. Capcom has already stated that the RE Engine was used as the graphics engine and, as far as we see that the title runs on Nintendo Switch and not on a next-gen console, the result is still very pleasant. All this proves that the RE Engine continues to prove to be one of the best graphics engines on the scene.
Verticality and New Gameplay Possibilities
One of the biggest surprises and news regarding Monster Hunter Rise lies in the verticality of the gameplay. Almost like we did with Link in The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, too in Monster Hunter Rise we will be able to climb any vertical surface, offering the player new gameplay possibilities and tactics to face monsters. If you add to this that we will have available the new wire insects that will act as grapples to be used anywhere in the game, we can certainly say that Monster Hunter Rise will be a title capable of reinventing the historic Capcom series once again. Furthermore, it would seem that the wire insect can also be used during the attack phases as a chain or as a push to move us up and allow us to make air attacks.
"It's dangerous to go alone ..."
Among the many new features of the game, one of the most interesting is certainly represented by Canyne. This animal, halfway between a dog and a wolf, will be our travel companion and we will be able to ride it to cross the game environments faster (it will also be able to vertically climb surfaces). But it doesn't end there: the Canyne, in fact, will also be an animal that will participate in our battles against monsters.
Next to the Canyne, we can also be joined by the Felyne (animals with feline features) who will be of support during our missions. For each assignment, we can be accompanied by a maximum of two companions: two Felyne, two Canyne or one Felyne and one Canyne. In the online multiplayer mode, however, we will only be able to bring a companion with us.
Hunting for Monsters on Nintendo Switch
We have discussed various aspects of the new Monster Hunter Rise, but we have not yet talked about what probably most interests any fan of the series: the monsters. Like every Monster Hunter, Rise will also have new and exclusive monsters and, we expect, the return of some historical monsters of the brand. In addition to the aforementioned Magnamalo, Capcom showed us several beasts: the Aknossom, the Tetranodon and, finally, the Great Izuchi. Here are some screenshots of some of the beasts we are going to face:
The Aknossom it is a very fast bird of prey capable of spitting flames.
The Tetranodon it is an amphibian capable of inflating its belly in order to inflict greater damage, but paying the price of being slower.
The Great Izuchi is a beast halfway between a velociraptor and a raptor that attacks with its tail and can be found in the company of other small Izuchi or other monsters.
We are sure that in the next few days and months that will bring us closer to the release, Capcom will show new creatures to face.
Monster Hunter Rise is a title that is certainly capable of attracting historical fans of the series and not. The new gameplay modes and a decidedly satisfying graphics sector on Nintendo Switch thanks to the RE Engine, will hopefully give a great return of Monster Hunter on a Nintendo home console. Capcom has stated that new details will be released during the panels it will hold for the 2020 online edition of the Tokyo Game Show, precisely on September 26 and 27. We just have to tell you that we will keep you updated on any news regarding Monster Hunter Rise and the other Capcom games.
► Monster Hunter Rise is an RPG type game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Switch, the video game will be released on 26/03/2021 (in 36 days)