Netflix Interactive Story Telling: How Netflix Interactive Story Works
How Netflix Interactive Story Works.
You can watch an interactive story on any device, but the point is not to watch it. It is to interact with it.
You can interact with these stories on one device iOS o Android.
The Netflix web interface and the Netflix application on Windows 10 do not allow you to interact with these stories.
So to use the Netflix interactive story you must only use the app on your smartphone or tablet or smart TV.
Netflix interactive story titles available
This is a new type of content and so there is only title that is currently available, but more are sure to come. It's called Puss in Boots: Trapped in an Epic Story, and it's available worldwide. It has a 7+ rating so it is suitable for children. It is available to everyone, regardless of the subscription plan.
How to use Netflix interactive story
Click the play button to start watching. As the story progresses you will be asked about choices to make. The choices are present throughout the story.
Touch one of the two choices to select it. You have a period of time to do this so don't take too long or he'll choose for you himself.
You will see all the choices made displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Netflix will save your progress.
You can always go back to a previous choice, and play the entire title again. This is only the first title to support this new feature.