Sony IE CEO Jim Ryan, reiterated that the PS5 versions of the games also published on PlayStation 4, they are built from the ground up to take advantage of next-gen hardware and functionality. The doubt, we remember, had arisen in recent weeks, especially since Sony had announced in September that some of its next-gen exclusives would also be released on PS4. There has been speculation and discussion that cross-gen development would have prevented studios from making full use of the PS5, but Ryan has assured fans that it won't.
In an interview with The Telegraph, the top manager said that of course Sony can't give up overnight his huge community on PS4, so he has plans to support both consoles for the foreseeable future.
We have a PS4 player community of 100 million people. It would be wrong to walk away from them too soon. Also, they've been involved in a lockdown with their consoles more this year than at any other time. They are using their Playstations; they are happy with their Playstations. Why should we stop [suddenly] giving them games?
[Jim Ryan]
The CEO of the Japanese giant also went on to reiterate that the experiences experienced on PS5 games are built from scratch to take advantage of the console's next-gen feature set, and this has nothing to do with the fact that development studios will also continue to produce versions for the currently most popular console in the world. A demonstration of attachment to one's gamer population that in all likelihood will not fall into oblivion, in an industry where too often everything is consumed at the frenzied pace of a teraflop.