The eighth chapter of the main Resident Evil series is about to arrive on our new and old generation consoles after a previous chapter that divided the public for its turn towards the first person. For the first time, however, a new character introduced will be reused in the direct sequel: obviously we're talking about Ethan Winters.
The Resident Evil saga has always been used to introduce us to new characters, flanked by the usual Jill, Chris, Claire and Leon. In Resident Evil Village instead the protagonist will be, once again, Ethan Winters, and Peter Fabiano in a recent interview for PlayStation Official Magazine explains the reason for this choice.
In reality, the motivation is quite simple: the team in recent years has worked to expand and continue to develop Ethan's narrative arc, and immediately after the publication of Resident Evil 7 the idea has always been to continue his story and that of his wife Mia. Resident Evil Village is in fact considered a real direct sequel to the last chapter, in which we will see in depth the characters we have come to know. Furthermore, Capcom has stated that it considers this eighth chapter the best of all.
To find out if this title will truly be the best ever released we will have to wait a few more months, we remind you that Resident Evil Village will be available on every platform starting from 7 May 2021. To pass the wait you can try the demo "Maiden" available on PlayStation 5, or read our considerations on the latter.
► Resident Evil Village is an Adventure-type game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, it will be released in 2021