Like any game eagerly awaited by fans, too Resident evil village he ends up being the victim of even very important information leaks. This time to end up on the net there are some leaks inherent even to the ending of the title.
To be revealed in the past few hours were not only important details on the story, however, but also numerous screenshots. This happened due to the fact, probably, that someone managed to get their hands on a build of the next Capcom creature in the course of its development. Obviously we will not publish the details revealed, but we would like to invite you to pay attention to the information around the network on Resident Evil Village, as you may come across something you do not want to know, spoiling important parts of the title. In any case, it is not known if the leaks in question are reliable, but according to what is said around it seems that it is likely that it is not false information and images.
Resident Evil Village, direct sequel to Residen Evil 7: Biohazard, we recall, will be released during the 2021 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Microsoft Windows.
► Resident Evil Village is an Adventure-type game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, it will be released in 2021