Spotify Crossfade between songs like a DJ. Listen to your songs and playlists without any pause between songs.
Spotify to a function called Crossfade which is nothing more than an auto mix as a DJ usually does when he ends and starts another song.
In other words, Crossfade is that intertwining transition between the song that is about to end and the one that is about to begin, lowering and intertwining the volume of the first by superimposing it on the second that is about to play.
In this way your songs on Spotify will be without any pause between the end and the beginning of the songs, as if a DJ was mixing them for you.
Spotify Crossfade how to activate it
Activate Crossfade from computer
Open Spotify, click the down arrow next to the account name and select Settings.
Scroll down and click Show Advanced Settings.
Click the switch next to crossfade to turn it on.
Use the slider to set the time you want the two tracks to cross. You can go between 0 and 12 seconds.
Activate Crossfade from Android and iPhone smartphones
Open Spotify and go to the Library tab. Tap the icon Settings at the top right and then select Playback.
Use the cursor crossfade to set the time you want the two tracks to cross. You can go between 0 and 12 seconds.