Super Mario 64 is undoubtedly one of the most important titles in the world of 3D platformers. One of the elements that has always best characterized the Italian plumber, and which also constitutes a strong point for the gameplay in the adventure for Nintendo 64, is the possibility of exploiting hidden abilities through power-up. In Super Mario 64, recently also landed on Nintendo Switch through the collection Super Mario 3D All-Stars, are in fact present three special hats that go to enhance Mario, allowing him to reach otherwise inaccessible stars.
These hats are present in three special levels, within which there are as many buttons that, once pressed, activate the blocks containing the power-ups within the classic levels.
But let's see together some additional details on how to find and exploit these objects:
- Wing Cap (winged hat): allows Mario to take flight by triple jump or by launching himself from a cannon, and is useful for reaching places otherwise difficult to access. To unlock it you need to have collected at least 10 stars. At that point it is possible to notice how in the center of the ground floor of the castle a light comes from the ceiling. Using Mario's first person camera (Right stick up) and looking towards the origin of the light beam, you access a special level where you are in possession of the Wing Cap. Collecting the 8 red coins in the air you he can also get a secret castle star, while pressing the red switch unlocks the winged hat in the game.
- Metal Cap (metal hat): allows Mario to walk underwater and not to suffer the damage from poison, going to facilitate the collection of stars in hostile environments or seabed in which a strong current flows. This hat is obtained inside Hazy Maze Cave, the Super Mario 64 level that is right in the dungeons. Inside the level you have to go left, entering the room where there are the giant boulders. Going straight ahead, dodging the boulders and then turning right, there is a door and behind it an elevator, which leads to the underground cave with the sea monster Dorrie: by climbing on its back, its movements are adjusted by orienting Mario in the desired direction, while through a crash to the ground it becomes possible to climb onto the creature's head. Our goal is the second door on the left (the double door): beyond this is the entrance to the secret level containing 8 red coins (and relative star) together with the metal hat and the green switch. The advice we give you is to proceed calmly, as this hat has a very short duration and, once it has vanished, you run the risk of being dragged by the current to a waterfall that will take us back to the castle courtyard.
- Invisible Cap (Invisibility Hat): Allows Mario to traverse certain surfaces, reaching otherwise inaccessible stars. To get this hat you must first drain the water in the courtyard: to do this, just head into the basement, entering the first door on the right in the area where the levels are. There is a corridor that leads to two pillars: climbing on it and crashing to the ground, the water level in the courtyard will drop to zero. Leaving the door there it is finally possible to walk freely and, going to the right, find an open trap door that gives access to a secret level. In addition to finding the classic red coins, following the path leads to the switch that unlocks this power-up. The advice we give you is to proceed very cautiously, since the final part of the journey is made up of a series of platforms, which require precise jumps and in which an error can be fatal.
We have explained in detail where and how to find the three special hats in Super Mario 64. If, on the other hand, you are interested in obtaining all the secret stars of the castle, you can consult this guide.
► Super Mario 64 is a Platform-Puzzle-Adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for Nintendo 64, Nintendo Wii, Wii U and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 23/06/1996 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 18/09/2020