Announced last May during the latest Inside Xbox, The Medium is a new horror work intended for the next generation of Microsoft consoles. A closer look at the most recent gameplay published, the game seems to present itself as the spiritual heir of the famous Silent Hill, the Konami series, thanks also to the presence of its composer Akira Yamaoka. In the past few hours, Bloober Team revealed that along with the latter, the production will boast the presence of other well-known personalities.
The development studio has decided to aim high to pack a game of great depth, hiring the voice actor Troy Baker and the singer Mary Elizabeth McGlynn. The first will take on the role of Maw, the greatest entity of the spirit world and main antagonist of the game, while ME McGlynn will accompany Yamaoka in the composition of the music.
The peculiarity of The Medium lies in the exploration of the real world parallel to that of the spiritual world. These two realities differ from an artistic point of view and at the same time the actions performed on one side influence the other and vice versa. Blooper Team has already confirmed that the game will support stable 4K and 30fps on Xbox Series X.
The Medium will be released by the end of 2020 on Xbox Series X and PC and promises to be a disturbing experience.