What happens if you block someone on Facebook. It has now become one of the most used social networks in the world, but as often happens a dark side has developed, an ugly side. One of the most used options is to accept friends, and among these friends there are also people you don't know.
There is always someone who is bothering you, be it a friend or just someone you want to block, because you are tired of their behavior. In these cases, the right thing to do is to block them. But what happens next?
If you are thinking of blocking someone on Facebook or are simply curious about how the process works, we will now explain to you what happens if you block someone on Facebook.
It is not possible to add him as a friend. Of course, if you've blocked someone on Facebook they can't be your friend, at least until you unblock them. This is a good option if someone keeps sending you friend requests and has already been rejected multiple times, once blocked, they can no longer bother you.
What happens if you block someone on Facebook
They can no longer see what you post on your profile. The blocked contact will no longer have access to your profile, and will no longer be able to see status updates, photos, videos, shared links, etc., of course, they can't even comment, ahahahahah!
The person will no longer be able to tag you in their files. The block also affects updates, because that person will no longer be able to encode the content you shared. It also won't be able to tag him / her in any of your updates.
The chat between you and that person will not work. If you have blocked a contact, neither of you is allowed to send a direct message to the other contact.
He will no longer be able to invite you to events or groups. In short, when you block someone, they will disappear from the map. The other contact will not be able to find the user through their shared contacts or in the search box, and will not receive any notification that you have blocked them.
Remember that just as he will not be able to see everything you post on Facebook, you will no longer be able to see all the information of the contacts you have blocked.
Blocking a contact is not the same as removing. When you remove a friend, that person is still able to find you through the search bar and see your updates or photos that you have shared.
Blocking means completely disappearing from Facebook.
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Further Reading:
- What happens when you block someone on Facebook Messenger
- How to unblock someone on Facebook
- How to block someone on Facebook
- What is Vanish mode on Facebook Messenger and Instagram
- How to see hidden friends on Facebook