A new trailer for Yakuza: Like a Dragon showed several new details related to the journey that the protagonist of this new title - Ichiban Kasuga - has decided to undertake a journey that will lead him to compete with different ones activities and minigames.
Among the many possibilities offered, in the new Sega title will not be lacking races with karts, games rooms but also the classic fights of the series, without neglecting deeper activities and in which the protagonist can devote himself to the growth of his own company.
In addition to all this, the final part of the trailer stands out in particular, which presents the song "Baka Mitai" (now well-known on the Internet) in one of its English version, with karaoke returning in this chapter as well, including some of the most loved songs such as Baka Mitai (I've Been a Fool) but also Hell Stew, Like a Butterfly, Machine Gun Kiss, Spring Breeze and The Future I Dreamed Of.
Recall that Yakuza: Like a Dragon will be available on Xbox One, Series S and Series X, PlayStation 4 and PC on 10st November this year, with Sony users who can upgrade for free its version (both physical and digital) to the PlayStation 5 version March 2.
► Yakuza: Like a Dragon is an RPG type game developed by Ryu ga Gotoku Studio and published by Sega for PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 13/11/2020
Will come out for PlayStation 5 il 02/03/2021
Version for Xbox Series X from 31/12/2020