The game Yakuza: Like a Dragon has recently come out in the west and in a short time it is managing to obtain a great success. However, the celebrations for the Yakuza Team do not end here: in fact, an online event will be held on December 8 to celebrate fifteen years of the series.
RGG Studio made the news known through its Twitter account. In particular, the event will start at 12 noon on 00 December. The date was not chosen by chance, given that the first game in the Yakuza series came out on December 8th fifteen years ago.
【『龍 が 如 く』 15 周年 記念 特 番 配 信 決定】
12 月 8 日 (火) 20 時 よ り
龍 が 如 く 15 周年 を 記念 し た 生 放送 番 組 を 配 信 決定!
ゲ ス ト に 黒 田 崇 矢 さ ん 、 中 谷 一 博 さ ん を お 迎 え し 、
15 年 の 歴 史 を 振 り 返 る と 共 に 、 今後 の 展開 を 発 表 い た し ま す!
視 聴 URL は こ ち ら https://t.co/LuDiquRGkb# 龍 が 如 く pic.twitter.com/czdiVCL0RK
- 龍 が 如 く ス タ ジ オ 公式 (@ryugagotoku) November 20, 2020
It is not yet clear what RGG Studio and Sega want to show in the event; we certainly hope and expect news on the possible games in development with perhaps a hint of the next chapter of the series.
All that remains is to mark the appointment for 8 December. We will follow the event and update you with all the news that will be announced.
What do you think of it? Are you a fan of Yakuza? As always, we invite you to tell us in the comments.
► Yakuza: Like a Dragon is an RPG type game developed by Ryu ga Gotoku Studio and published by Sega for PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 13/11/2020
Will come out for PlayStation 5 il 02/03/2021
Version for Xbox Series X from 31/12/2020