Inside AnthemDuring combat, you don't just have to shoot, but you have access to a vast arsenal of skills, elemental effects and combos. Abilities, usually elemental ones, can trigger a combo if correlated in the right way. Furthermore, once the combo is finished, the elemental effect remains, which can prove very useful to try to win chances more quickly, taking advantage of the enemy's weaknesses and the strengths of one's own. Strale.
Il Javelin who manages to detonate the trigger of the combo will be the one who will have started it and, as such, will receive the bonuses. To initiate a combo, you will need to use an ability capable of triggering (marked with two circles, one in the other, called First) and detonate it (abilities capable of doing this are marked with a star, called Detonator).
- Primer: Inferno Grenade, Frost Grenade, Venom Darts, Shock Mace
- Detonator: Frag Grenade, Seeking Missile, Pulse Blast, Multi-target Missile Battery
- Primer: Firewall Mortar, Shock Coil, Flamethrower, Venom Splitter
- Detonator: High Explosive Mortar, Lightning Coil, Siege Artillery, Railgun, Heavy Smash, Siege Cannon
- Primer: Ice Storm, Ice Blast, Living Flame, Frost Shards, Shock Bursts, Elemental storm
- Detonator: Elemental Storm, Lightning Strike, Burning Orb, Glacial Spear, Fiery Strike
- Primer: Venom Bomb, Cryo Glave, Detonating Strike, Venom Spray
- Detonator: Spark Dash, Tempest Strike, Bladed Daggers, Assassin's Blades
The Javelin Storm can use the Elemental Storm ability both to trigger and to detonate, and it also hits nearby enemies, making it very powerful and functional.
Then there are specific bonuses associated with the combos of each Javlin, and here we explain which ones:
- Storm - Area of Effect: the elemental effect extends from the enemy hit to nearby ones
- Interceptor - Aura: an Aura spreads the elemental effect from the enemy hit by the combo to nearby ones
- Ranger - Critical damage on target: the target hit by the combo will take increased damage
- Colossus - Area of Effect: an explosion damages both enemies hit by the combo and nearby enemies
Of course, combining elemental effects, combo bonuses and individual Javelins' abilities can be a winner; therefore we advise you, if you always play with the same team, to build your characters so that they are complementary and as functional as possible, if used correctly.
We remind you that Anthem will be released on February 22 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, while it is currently already available for all PC players who are members of Origin Access Premier.
► Anthem is an Action-RPG type game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 22/02/2019
Anthem is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 76%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Anthem Review