Battlefield V is a shooter title released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. To get his platinum 21 trophies must be won divided into three bronzes, eleven silvers, 7 golds and, of course, only one platinum.
Bronze Trophies
Enemy attrition - In multiplayer, get 10 kills in one turn
Last man - In multiplayer, spawn 3 squad members near you
I will not let you die - In multiplayer, perform 10 team revives
Silver Trophies
It's tea time - Complete the War Story Under No Flag
Store fuglar fanga ingi flugor - Complete the Nordlys War Story
Ou La Mort - Complete the Tirailleur War Story
Reserve weapons - In multiplayer, kill 10 enemies using secondary weapons in one turn
Raise the flag - In multiplayer, capture 10 flags in Frontline
Hit-and-run driver - In multiplayer, run over and kill 5 enemies
Grim reaper - In multiplayer, kill 30 enemies
Reinforcements! - In multiplayer, in the role of squad leader, request 2 reinforcements in one turn
Combat Engineer - In multiplayer, build 10 fortifications in one turn
down the head - In multiplayer, use total suppression fire on 5 enemies
Workaholic - Get 150.000 points as a player
Gold Trophies
Narrator - Complete the War Stories Under No Flag, Nordlys and Tirailleur (Medium)
Veteran - Complete the War Stories Under No Flag, Nordlys and Tirailleur (Hard)
The sins of the fathers - Complete the War Stories Under No Flag, Nordlys and Tirailleur (Fanatic)
Globetrotter - Have a Conquest turn on each map available at the exit
Death from above - In multiplayer using a plane, destroy 5 stationary weapons operated by a soldier
Handyman - Get 100.000 points as Assault, Medic, Support and Recon
Elite - Get 500.000 points as a player
Platinum Trophies
Hero of the Second World War - Collect all other Battlefield V trophies
► Battlefield V is a Shooter type game developed by Electronic Arts and published by DICE for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 20/11/2018
Battlefield V is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 77%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Battlefield V review