Blair Witch is certainly not one of the most memorable titles of this 2019, but it is undeniable that the structure of the game makes the title intriguing in the eyes of fans, but also of those who approach it for the first time. The work of Bloober Team is almost totally based on deception and player choices, although these are not always autonomous.
Blair Witch in fact allows you to unlock one of the different endings available, but if you are reading this article it is very likely that you have witnessed the worst ending. The problem, in fact, is that it is almost impossible to get to the good finish if it is the first run. The title, apparently, does not seem to take the player by the hand, but the final result is very different. So let's see what are the conditions to be met to unlock all the Blair Witch endings.
The ending that everyone would like requires a series of precautions, listed below:
- do not collect any artifacts;
- do not destroy the totems found in the forest;
- do not kill the hidden enemies, better forget the flashlight and use the camera to move stealthily;
- in the last chapter we must not follow the orders of the Witch of Blair, let alone leave behind the trusty Bullet.
This ending, it is clear, can only be reached by keeping these observations in mind and it is for this reason that it is correct to say that Blair Witch presents a false range of possibilities, extremely narrow, within which the player ends up being more heterodirect than what the game suggests.
We reiterate it, among all the endings that can be unlocked in the game, this is the most common one and it is certainly the only one that can be unlocked if you are approaching the title for the first time. There is no effective way to access it, since you will find yourself here simply by not respecting one of the conditions necessary to unlock the positive ending.
Now that we have identified the conditions to unlock the first two endings, a crossroads opens up. This bifurcation towards good or evil is due to the kind of Ellis will have structured with Bullet over the course of the forest experience. Giving the dog food, attention and caresses will not have particular problems, therefore it is forbidden to scold him or leave him behind too often.
A key situation to watch out for is when Bullet gets injured in a ravine. The Witch will write a sentence on the rock faces, “Let Dying Dogs Die”, and you can let go of the dog by pressing LT (Xbox pad). Clearly in this case, if you want Bullet to continue living, you need to keep walking until the protagonist has lost consciousness.
Not too long ago we saw how to unlock a bunker, a fundamental step to access this last ending, called "secret" precisely because it is impossible to reach it except through this one way. Once the bunker is open, in any case, you will be able to find a recording, which constitutes the much sought after secret ending.
It remains to be clarified whether only these endings are present in Blair Witch, but it is very likely that new ones will not be discovered. Considering that the game is much more chained than it seems, in fact, you can easily realize how in reality - unless you get the positive ending - the variety between the different epilogues is extremely limited.
► Blair Witch is a game developed by Bloober Team for PC and Xbox One, the video game was released on 30/08/2019
Blair Witch is a nice game that we recommend: we decided to rate it with a 70%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Blair Witch Review