Without a doubt, one of the most challenging and, without the necessary preparation, also frustrating situations that can happen to us while playing Call of Cthulhu, the excellent horror game by Cyanide inspired by the writings of HP Lovecraft, it is undoubtedly our first encounter with the monstrous Dimensional Wanderer in the art gallery.
In reality, pushing this abomination back where it came from is not very complicated, so let's go and explain how to do it.
First, once inside the gallery, waste some time exploring the environment, especially observing the position and contents of the display cases in relation to the position of the painting depicting the Wanderer, positioned at the back of the room. Now approach the painting BUT DON'T INTERACT WITH ITinstead, take a look at the floor behind the picture holder. There you will find a piece of paper with a disquieting dagger drawn on it.
Then move away from the painting and look for the drawing dagger in the display cases scattered around the gallery. The object is still in the case in the corner next to the two sphinxes, in the small room on the right with your back to the picture.
Observe well where the dagger is and how to reach it in the shortest possible time. After that, go back to the painting and interact with it. After enjoying the cutscene, you will find yourself hiding behind a cabinet. At this point, while still crouching, you must try to reach the dagger identified before without being found by the monster. To avoid being seen (you will find that you are noticed when you feel your heartbeat) use statues and furniture as cover. You can also hide in closets if you need to, but only for a limited time (Edward Pierce is claustrophobic too!).
When you reach the right case, break the glass and grab the dagger. This will alert the Wanderer, so try to quickly run to the painting or, if necessary, hide from the monster again. Once in front of the picture, use the dagger to hit it, and you will be rid of the Dimensional Wanderer! At least for now…
► Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game is a Horror-RPG-Survival game developed by Cyanide and published by Focus Home Interactive for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 30/10/2018
Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 78%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game Review