The latest expansion for Control: AWE has been released a few days ago and, among the many new features introduced (for which we refer you to our full review) also comes the missing piece of an easter egg introduced in the basic version of the Remedy Entertainment title, which will help us get a new Mod. In one of the most memorable sections of Control we will find ourselves crossing the so-called “Ashtray Labyrinth”, all accompanied by the epic song “Take Control” by Old Gods of Asgard.
Some users later discovered secret messages hidden in the song itself (if played backwards), but which apparently led nowhere..
With the arrival of this last DLC, someone wanted to resume this little secret left in suspense to finally try to make sense of everything. Indeed, it was thus possible to arrive at a solution that involves several steps that will allow you to get one of the best personal mods in the game. The hidden object in Control: AWE is the so-called Mod Aerobics, which will grant you 10 points of healing with each dodge; this is an upgrade that, in such a dynamic game, turns out to be extremely useful! If you want to find out how We leave you, below, a guide that will take you step by step to complete this easter egg and get its special reward.
1) Find the secret room: starting from the control point in the AWE Transit Bay, in the Investigation Sector, you will have to go back towards the Shifted Passage. At this point you will have to look for a hidden passage inside an office; in particular you will have to look for the one that opens towards the corridors with a glass window that can be destroyed. The passage is not very obvious but it is still easy to reach: it is simply on the opposite side of the office, in the part that goes down, straight in front of you. In fact, here there is a wall that you can destroy with the melee attack so as to arrive in a short section that develops vertically. At this point you will only have to climb and continue until you reach a small room with a radio inside.

The passage behind the office.
2) Find the secret in the secret: our objective is not in this room, but in a second secret room connected to this one. We will then have to destroy a wall again to access it, this time it is the left wall from the entrance. From here we can see a rhomboid-shaped passage, beyond which we can find a small clock.

The passage in the first room.
3) The exact time: at this point we will have to use the clock to insert a numerical sequence (originally included in the hidden message). To do this, we just need to interact with the instrument so as to see the moving hands up close; after which we will have to interact with it again every time the hands will be on the number we want (receiving as confirmation the sound of a gong). The number sequence is as follows: 1, 7, 7, 1, 6, 4, 9, 7.

The clock in the second room.
4) A little challenge: once the entire sequence has been entered correctly, a passage will open behind the clock. Entering it we will come to a red room with some high level enemies ready to wait for us. Once the battle is over, all we have to do is look for the switch to access the Oceanview Hotel and interact with it, as usual, three times. Once at the hotel, we will be able to find our reward in the last room of the corridor on the left, resting on a wooden table.

After recovering the Mod in question, on the way back to the hotel, We will also unlock an interesting additional cutscene (viewable in full in the collectibles menu) In the hope that this guide will be useful to recover this very important Mod you we recommend looking for it as soon as possible, so as to receive considerable help in completing Control: AWE.
► Control is an Adventure-Action game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by 505 Games for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 27/08/2019
Control is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Control Review